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Q: An organism that returns nutrients to soil are the?
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Related questions

What is the relationship between soil and vegetation?

The soil gives nutrients to the vegetation; vegetation roots iteslf in the soil and returns nutrients ot the soil when it dies.

Could compost turn into soil?

Yes. When you compost something, it breaks down and returns nutrients to the soil.

Why does composting help the environment?

Composting vegetation waste returns nutrients to the soil.

What type of organism adds the most nutrients to the soil as it feeds?


What happens to the product of decay?

The chemicals and nutrients from decaying fauna and flora returns to the soil.

Which organism use the energy stored in biomass and enrich the soil with nutrients for producers?


What is an decomposer organism?

An organism that breaks down the nutrients of another dead organism and brings it back to the atmosphere or soil to be used again.

Why is decay of dead organism an important and useful chemical change?

It returns nutrients back to soil to be recycled for use naturally by plants, otherwise dead organisms would be found everywhere and there would not be enough space on earth to bury them.

Is producers the most important organism for adding nutrients to the soil?

i think it menas something importante

Why do people need the process of decay?

People need the process of decay because it returns the nutrients to the soil. The nutrients then travel throughout the food chain to people.

Which type of organism adds nutrients to the soil?

producers are the answers this is because ex. of producers are algea and bacteria.

What does a rose bush use its adaptations for?

Flowers adapt in a garden because the soil in which the plant is growing in has a lot of nutrients and if another plant or organism dies, all the nutrients go into the soil and that is what plants feed on.