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Q: What type of organism adds the most nutrients to the soil as it feeds?
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What type of organisms adds the most nutrients to the soil as it feeds?


What is the structure that feeds most plants?

The structure that feeds most plants is soil, so the nutrients from it.

Is tapeworm a decomposer?

Nope actually, a tapeworm is a parasite. A parasite can only survive inside a host organism, it feeds off of the nutrients of this host. Most worms are parasites, which is why they cause so many problems for the humans they live in. Decomposer's however, such as fungus, secrete digestive juices on a nearby organism and absorb it's nutrients.

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What animal has contributed most greatly to the success of grasses?

The Movement of Cattle Improves Bioproductivity. The managed grazing speeds up the photosynthetic process for our plants, disturbs and aerates the soil, and adds nutrients to the land. Ultimately, through the holistic management system, the soil feeds the grass, grass feeds the livestock, and livestock feed the grass.

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What is a organism that breaks down the nutrients of dead organisms or wastes for food?

A decomposer is an organism that breaks down the nutrients of dead organisms or wastes for food. Fungi and bacteria are the most common decomposers.

Is producers the most important organism for adding nutrients to the soil?

i think it menas something importante

What are 3 feeding relationships?

Commensalism- One organsim benefits one organism is unaffected Mutualism- Both organsims benifit Parasitism- A parasite feeds on the host, most often a larger organism (a tick on a dog etc.)

What organisms would you consider the most important keystone organisms in the food web?

Bacteria is the most important organism because bacteria gets the nutrients from dead plants and animals, and then it provides the nutrients for the grass to be able to grow.

What is outotroph?

Any organism capable of selfnourishment by using inorganicmaterials as a source of nutrients and using photosynthesis orchemosynthesis as a source of energy, as most plants and certainbacteria and protists.