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Q: What are decomposers so important?
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How are producers consumers and decomposers each important to Earth?

they are important if there were no producers there woud be no concumers and no concumers means no decomposers and no decomposers means no meat and humans

How are mushrooms important in life?

Mushrooms are important because they are decomposers

How do animals which are non-decomposers play an important role in decomposition?

They break down large pieces of dead matters into small pieces so that decomposers can break them into simple substances quickly

Are logs decomposers?

No. Log are not alive so they can not be producers, consumers or decomposers. Decomposers will be breaking them down.

Why is it important that decomposers like bacteria release nutrients?

so other things can thrive in the dead ones place

Why is fungus important to an ecosystem?

Why are decomposers such as fungi and bacteriaimportant to an ecosystem?

What is the most important role of fungi in the ecosystem?

Fungi are the principal decomposers on Earth.

Is the nitrogen cycle possible without decomposers andf why?

The nitrogen cycle would not be possible without decomposers, because the decomposers role is to break down the nitrogen containing chemicals into simpler chemicals. So to answer your question, no it is not possible, hope this helped.

Why are decomposers important to the environment?

it is important to like food webs to and the environment. one of the decomposers is the fungi. the fungi is important because, if we didnt have fungi then the dead animals that died and the flowers that died, we would all be covered in them and they would be in places where they had died. not a good thing. so that's why fungi is important.

Decomposers are helpful to the food chain because?

Decomposers are important because they break up waste and dead material.

Why are decomposers vital important to ecosystems?

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What are decomposers and why are they important to an ecosystem?

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