

What are detritus and carrion?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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Detritus is the same as refuse or rubish. Carrion is dead animals that are rotting on the ground.

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Q: What are detritus and carrion?
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What is difference between detritus feeder and carrion feeder?

The difference is that is that detritivore feeds on large parts of decaying plant, animal matter, and on waste material. A decomposer consumes and breaks down dead organisms or waste matter into simple substances. They both get nutrition from dead organic matter. The difference is that detritivores actually eat the organic matter (like earthworms eating their way through the soil) and decomposers secrete enzymes to digest the organic matter and then absorb the resulting molecules (like bacteria or fungi do).

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Most crabs eat detritus and carrion in the wild. In captivity, feed them regular fish food, supplemented with calcium and other minerals, as well as vegetables.

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Most crabs eat detritus and carrion in the wild. In captivity, feed them regular fish food, supplemented with calcium and other minerals, as well as vegetables.

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Usually crabs are omnivorous and opportunistic in their eating habits, taking whatever they can get, shellfish, worms, carrion, smaller arthropods, algae, detritus, etc. Some specialize, for instance, catching fish.

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Detritus feeders(a.k.a, sapraphages, or ditritivores) ehterotrophs that get nutrients by comsuming detritus**decomposing organic matter**Example___________EarthwormsWoodlice

How is detritus formed?

detritus is formed by microorganisms that are found basically every where

What is a sentence for the word detritus?

detritus is everywhere. Land,water, and air.

How do you use the word detritus in a sentence?

You will be examining the detritus of your homework if you plagiarise your answers.

Are detritus producers?

detritus feeders can not be producers as they feed of the decaying dead living organisms

Plant and animal remains and other dead matter are collectvely called?

Detritus. It's what the decomposers feed on/eat/

5th grade definition of detritus?

Disintegrated or eroded matter: the detritus of past civilizations.Accumulated material; debris: "Poems, engravings, press releases-he eagerly scrutinizes the detritus of fame" (Carlin Romano).