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Detritivores, also known as detritophages or detritus feeders or detritus eaters or saprophages, are heterotrophsthat obtain nutrients by consuming detritus (decomposing plant and animal parts as well as organic fecal matter). By doing so, they contribute to decomposition and the nutrient cycles. They should be distinguished from other decomposers, such as many species of bacteria, fungi and protists, which are unable to ingest discrete lumps of matter, but instead live by and metabolizing on a molecular scale.

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11y ago
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1mo ago

Organisms that feed directly on detritus are known as detritivores. These include insects like beetles and ants, as well as worms and some species of fungi and bacteria. They play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter into smaller particles that can be further decomposed and recycled in the ecosystem.

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9y ago

Detritus consists of decomposing plant and animal matter. Organisms that eat detritus include millipedes, earthworms, types of beetles, and fungi.

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15y ago

Detritivores. A few examples are: earthworms, termites, slugs, bacteria, and fungi.

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13y ago

decomposers i guess..or is it detritivores

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10y ago

The word organism is a noun - you cannot organism. Please ask your question again using correct grammar so that we can understand what you need to know.

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10y ago

The organism which consume detritus are called detritivores e.g., earthworm.

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Q: What are organisms that feed directly on detritus?
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What roles do detritus play in aquatic ecosystems?

Detritus in aquatic ecosystems plays a critical role in nutrient cycling and providing energy for decomposers. It supports the food web by being a food source for organisms like scavengers and detritivores. Additionally, detritus can help improve water quality by trapping pollutants and sediments.

Is decaying plant matter good for plant?

Yes, decaying plant matter is beneficial for plants as it adds organic matter to the soil, improving its structure, nutrient content, and water retention. This process also releases essential nutrients that plants can absorb for growth and development.

A major group of organisms that are in general multicellular capable of locomotion and responsive to their environment and feed by consuming other organisms?

Animals are a major group of multicellular organisms that are capable of locomotion, respond to their environment, and feed by consuming other organisms. They encompass a diverse range of species found across a variety of habitats.

What do Isabella moths eat?

Isabella moths primarily feed on nectar from flowers. Some also consume other liquids like dew or sap. Generally, they are not considered pests as their larvae primarily feed on dead plants and detritus.

What are organisms that feed on dead organisms?

Organisms that feed on dead organisms are called decomposers. These include bacteria, fungi, insects (such as beetles and flies), and scavengers like vultures and hyenas. Decomposers break down dead organic matter into simpler compounds, playing a crucial role in nutrient recycling in ecosystems.

Related questions

Are detritus producers?

detritus feeders can not be producers as they feed of the decaying dead living organisms

What organisms feed on the detritus found in wetlands?


What is a detritivore living in the arctic?

Organisms that feed on decaying material,debris, or detritus, such as bacteria, insects, worms etc.

What do deep ocean benthic organisms most often feed on?

dead plants and animals that drift from the surface

What plant and animal remains and other dead matter are collectively called?

Detritus Detritus. It's what the decomposers feed on/eat.

How do organisms in aphotic zone get food?

Organisms in the aphotic zone rely on detritus, organic matter sinking from the surface, and chemosynthesis, where bacteria and other organisms use chemical compounds to produce energy. Some organisms may also migrate to the surface at night to feed on organisms that have photosynthesized during the day.

What organisms do zooplankton feed on in a freshwater ecosystem?

Zooplankton in a freshwater ecosystem feed on phytoplankton, bacteria, and detritus. They play a crucial role in transferring energy from primary producers up the food chain to higher trophic levels.

Is a Brittle star a carnivore or Herbivore?

Brittle stars are carnivores, as they primarily feed on small organisms such as plankton, mollusks, and detritus in the ocean. They use their flexible arms to catch and consume their prey.

What is the job of detritus feeders?

Detritus feeders play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down dead organic matter like leaves, wood, and animal carcasses into smaller particles. This helps to recycle nutrients back into the soil, making them available for plants to use for growth. Detritus feeders are essential for the decomposition process and contribute to the overall health of an ecosystem.

What is detritus feeding?

When these detritus feeders take in detritus with micro-organisms multiplying on it, they mainly break down and absorb the micro-organisms, which are rich in proteins, and excrete the detritus, which is mostly complex carbohydrates, having hardly broken it down at all.Detritus feeders contribute to the carbon cycle through respiration by taking up carbon and converting some of it to CO2 which is to be used by plants to produce carbohydrates.

What is the process of detrifying?

The breakdown of organisms into large pieces of organic matter (detritus)

What does fungi feed upon?

Detritus. Dead organic matter mostly, still one's bread, the province of ryzopus, might not be considered dead in the detritus sense.