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autosomes are chromosomes not involved in determining the sex of the organism

allosomes might be the exact opposite

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Q: What are differene between autosome and allosome?
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What is the definition of the phrase autosome?

An autosome is a type of chromosome that does not happen to be a sex chromosome (allosome). Humans will each have 42 autosome chromosomes and one pair of allosome chromosomes.

What is an allosome?

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What is the difference between an autosome and a sexchromosome?

An autosome is any of the 23 chromosomes which is not an X or Y chromosome. A sex chromosome is effectively the same as an autosome, apart from depending upon whether you inherit a Y chromosome or not, a sex chromosome will determine your gender. Hence the name.

What is the difference between an autosome and a sex chromosome?

An autosome is any of the 23 chromosomes which is not an X or Y chromosome. A sex chromosome is effectively the same as an autosome, apart from depending upon whether you inherit a Y chromosome or not, a sex chromosome will determine your gender. Hence the name.

What and the difference between an autosome and a sex chromosome?

An autosome is any of the 23 chromosomes which is not an X or Y chromosome. A sex chromosome is effectively the same as an autosome, apart from depending upon whether you inherit a Y chromosome or not, a sex chromosome will determine your gender. Hence the name.