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Q: What are different forms of a single element?
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Can an element have many gram atomic weights?

No, not really. An element has a single atomic weight, which is the weighted average of all the isotopes of that element, weighted by their natural abundance. Each element only has a single atomic weight.What this means is that different atoms of a single element can weigh different amounts because different isotopes have different numbers of neutrons. However, the atomic weight represents the average for all forms of that element, and so there is only one value. The different isotopes of an element certainly have different mass numbers, which is just the sum of the number of neutrons and protons however.

What are the different forms called in a element that has forms with different number of neutrons?


What are different forms called in an element that has forms with different numbers of neutron?


What are different forms called in an an element that has forms with different number of neutrons?


What are the different forms called in an element that has forms with different numbers of neutron?


What are the different forms called in an element that has forms the different number of neutrons?


What are the different forms called in an element that has forms with different numbers of neutrons?


What are different forms of a element?


One of at least two possible forms of the same element?

A single element can have two different variations. An isotope is a variant caused by a different number of neutrons. An ion is a variation caused by a different number of electrons than the parent atom.

Different forms of the same element that have different properties because of different atom arrangements are called?

disserent structural forms of the sme element are called

What are different atomic forms of an element?

The two forms in which the atoms of an element may exist are isotopes. These consist of protons and neutrons.

What do you call the several different forms of an element having different atomic mass and number of neutrons?

We call these different "flavors" of an element the isotopes of that element.