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I'm going to confuse you more than answer maybe...

I've always wondered ( In evolutionary terms) If... Sperm and Ovala ( eggs) aren't just weird parasitic organisms. I mean... Even Mitochondria energy producers in ALL living cells live off their cellular "hosts?"

What we call "sex" does seem to be a symbiotic relationship?

There used to be this discussion about how we maybe evolved from apes, ( Or ape-like creatures. )

Taking Darwanism further, Science seems to indicate.. Apes? Hell! We evolved from simple bacteria?

Taking that further.... Are Sperm simply ancient versions of millennium back pre-bacteria ancestors? ( Little squiggly things that found...Ummm? Food? LOL?)

Ova.... Merely easy options to gain more RNA, DNA?

Then........ OOPS? What the hell just happened here?

( A little me, a little you, and.... We just got a.... "US?" )

Those little mitochondria bits still seem to "exist" in every living cell. Parasitic bastards? LOL

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12y ago
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13y ago

Bacteria is:protosists and fungi. They grow under nails and outside.

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Q: What are different types of bacteria and what can they do?
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Different types of bacteria will probably multiply at different rates.

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The 4 different types of protists are to get away from bacteria,

What types of bacteria are found in the tropical rainforest?

There are many different types of bacteria found in the tropical rainforest. Some types of bacteria you will find are Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Beijerinckii, Klebsella, and Azobacter.

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There are tons of different types of bacteria so nobody knows for sure

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bacteria is producer because it produces different types of products.

Is bacteria a producer or decomposer?

bacteria is producer because it produces different types of products.

What are antibiotics and how are they used?

different antibiotics are used for fighting different types of bacteria.

What are four types of bacteria?

AIDS, herpes, and syphilis. these are the three different types of bacteria that was chosen by symptoms.

Caulobacter are different from most bacteria in that?

Caulobacter have stalks whereas most other types of bacteria do not.

What is one of the scientific names for bacteria?

One scientific name for bacteria is Escherichia coli, a commonly studied bacterium that can be found in the intestines of humans and other warm-blooded animals.