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A vitamin K deficiency can be caused by a number of different things. Specifically, chronic diseases, like liver disease, can cause the vitamin not to be absorbed properly. Also, some medications like Aspirin can cause a vitamin K deficiency.

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9y ago
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11y ago

Vitamin K affects blood clotting times. Too much Vitamin K can cause blood clotting as in DVT or deep vein thrombosis. If a person consumes excessive amounts of Vitamin K they may experience pulmonary emboli or blood clots in the lungs. Both DVTs and pulmonary emboli can be fatal if not treated quickly.

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15y ago

asking stupid questions. why? do you lack vitamin k?

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14y ago

my mum suffers from pernicious anaemia and gets regular vitamin k injections

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antibiotics can induce vitamin k deficiency

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9y ago

Vitamin K does not cause any disease. It is a fat soluble vitamin. It can be stored in your body in large quantity. No such disease is ever described in the medical books.

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excessive bleeding from wounds

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Q: What are disease caused due to deficiency of Vitamin K?
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