

What are dolphins adapted to?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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They are adapted to the Ocean

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Q: What are dolphins adapted to?
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How are Dolphins bodies adapted?

dolphins's bodies are made to serve a porpoise

How have the dolphins adapted to their environment?

they live where ever for a long time so they get use to it

Why don't dolphins have hands like us?

Bottlenose dolphins have appendages similar to many mammals. They have adapted to swimming even though the bone structure is the same.

How have dolphins adapted to fit into it's community?

They love it when their trainers give them Donuts. Hope this helps. (: Gisela

Were dolphins 4 legged animals?

Yes dolphins were four legged animals, they evolved into what they are now. At first they were wolf-like creatures but they adapted to water. It's the same way with whales.

What are the seasonal behaviors of dolphins?

Dolphins are adapted by their small layer of hair in the winter to keep them warm and in the summer they shred their hair. Their diet remains the same the whole time.

Why are dolphins considered as mammals?

Dolphins have adapted to the marine environment like fish. However, anatomical (though some of their structures have become degraded or completely eliminated) characters resemble that of a mammal's. For example they have reproductive organs similar to that of mammals and they are viviparous

What is the modern relative to a icthyosaur?

The modern relative to an ichthyosaur would be a dolphin. Both ichthyosaurs and dolphins are marine mammals that have streamlined bodies adapted for swimming in the ocean and fins for propulsion. However, ichthyosaurs are extinct, while dolphins are still alive today.

What is cetacean?

A Cetacean is an animal that belongs to the Order: Cetacea This includes Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Cetaceans are mammals fully adapted to Aquatic life and there are about 90 species.

Why can't dolphins swim without their tale?

Dolphin's can't swim without a tale because they don't have legs to kick and they have adapted to swimming like a normal fish.

How can Darwin's theory of evolution explain the similar appearance in dolphins and sharks?

Though one is a fish and one is a mammal they both have adapted to their immediate environment. Analogous traits.

How will you explain the fact that fishes and dolphins have similar organs and similar general shape?

Due to the fact that they both live in water they have adapted similar traits but a dolphin is warm blooded which is the difference.