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Q: What are drops of water that form on cool surfaces during the night called?
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What are the drops of water that from on cool surfaces during the night called?


What are the drops of water that form on cold surfaces during the night called?


What is the homophone of the small drops of water that form on outdoor surfaces during the night?

dew, due, do

How can water drops form on surfaces at night when the air is clear?

The air near the ground cools to the DEW POINT.

Why are there different temperature difference between day and night?

The sun provides warmth during the day, while the temperature drops during the night when the sun is gone.

What is the white coating of ice crystals you often see on the ground after a cold night?

The white coating of ice crystals you see on the ground after a cold night is called frost. When the temperature drops below freezing, moisture in the air freezes onto surfaces like grass, leaves, and pavement, creating a frosty layer.

What is a homonym for dew?

A homonym for dew is due. Dew refers to tiny drops of water that form on surfaces during the night; due refers to something owed or owed to happen at a specific time.

Why do you get cold at night?

You get cold at night because your metabolic rate drops and also because the outside temperature often drops at night.

What is dew made of?

Dew is made of water vapor in the air that condenses onto surfaces like grass or leaves overnight when temperatures cool down. It forms when the temperature of the surface drops below the dew point temperature of the surrounding air, causing the water vapor to turn into liquid droplets.

What are animals who sleep in the day and come out at night called?

Animals who sleep during the day and are awake at night are called nocturnals.

Why during winter you see drops of water in car glass?

The gremlins come in the night and wash your windows for you. Leave them 50p and they'll dry it off.

What is the temperature like in the Amazon rainforest?

The average temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. At night, it drops to about 50. or 26 degrees C.