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Generally the person may talk about being too fat when you can't see an ounce of fat on them. They are constantly talking about their body imagine. They try to imitate a favorite actor or singer. They start to eat more and more salads, start to eat less and less meats and other proteins and scatter their small portion of food around on their plate so that it will look like more. When they pick at their food constantly (not just once in awhile.) When you are out with them for lunch or dinner on several occasions and they may take a few bites of their meal and make an excuse they had something to eat earlier and aren't that hungry. I personally would keep them home and make sure they eat right. but i would also watch for puking just in case it might be bulemia instead of anorexia.

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There are many warning signs to eating disorders including anorexia. They include, but are not limited to....

*Weight loss

*Restrictive dieting or eating patterns

*Excessive exercise

*Low self esteem

*Low sense of self worth

*Social isolation

*Mood swings

*Hair loss

*Dry skin

*Brittle nails

*Loss of periods (female)

*Loss of sex drive (male)

*Heart problems

*Kidney failure

*Tooth erosion (bulimia)

*Cutting/Self harm

*Obsession over weight/appearance

*Change in clothing to hide weight loss

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Q: What are early signs of anorexia as in not seeing traumatic weight loss but the signs where someone is starting to become anorexic?
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Related questions

What is an anorectic?

An anorectic is another word for an anorexic, someone who suffers from anorexia nervosa.

An eating disorder in which the person refuses to eat?

That is a general characteristic of anorexia.

How do anorexic people look?

Anorexia is actually not a difference in what somone sees but a feeling of self pitty and lack of worth. An anorexic doesn't see any diffrent than you do. Anorexic people can look like just your ordinary everyday person. They can also be incredibly thin or in some cases may be over weight. there is no actual "type" of image for someone who suffers with anorexia. also, they are not "anorexic" they are people who suffer from "anorexia" known as "anorexia nervosa".

Should you become anorexic?

No, anorexia is very bad for you. Never do that to yourself if someone doesn't like you because of your body they are not right for you.

Why do people who can help there selves not to have anorexia but they have got anorexia?

You can't chose to have anorexia. Someone doesn't just wake up and say I want an eating disorder it's something your born with and it usually effects you at a later age. Someone that choses this isn't anorexic there just starving themself

You want to be anorexic is it wrong?

Anorexia is not something you want but often something that you think is cool or cool to be skinny but Anorexia becomes a disorder and DISEASE that can spiral out of control. If you think you're overweight talk to someone about a healthy planned diet.

How do you help someone who has anorexia?

Understanding the symptoms of anorexia is the key. Anorexia is an eating disorder involving food restriction and self-starvation. Patients with anorexia typically weigh 15 percent less than the normal healthy weight expected in relation to their height. However, it is very important to realize that anorexic patients have underlying emotional issues that need to be addressed.

Which of the following eating disorders is characterized by being at least fifteen percent below ones normal body weight?

Generally, it is anorexia nervosa. However, someone does not necessarily have to be below weight to have anorexic tendencies, which can be just as dangerous as someone extremely emaciated. These people would be diagnosed as EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified), and need the same psychotherapies as someone with anorexia, without the hospitalization.Anorexia, and sometimes bulimia.

Why should'NT i tell an anorexic to eat?

You should not say it so bluntly. Anorexia is not something you could just get over, it takes time and in most cases rehab. If you told some one who was anorexic to just eat would be like telling someone with both of their legs broken to run a mile. Anorexia is not just an eating disorder it becomes a mental illness and unfortunately a way of life.

What is the difference between anorexia and size zero?

Anorexia is a very dangerous mental and physical disorder where a person starves themselves and exercises constantly to lose weight. Size zero is a dress / clothing size. A person who is naturally thin can be a size zero. It does not mean someone is anorexic just because they are a size zero. Also, an anorexic can be smaller or larger than a size zero.

How much weight do you loose being anorexic and bulimic?

Anorexia and bulimia are very serious eating disorders. People who are anorexic or bulimic can lose as much or as little weight possible. Some people can be 10 pounds underweight, some can be 40 pounds underweight. If you know someone who is anorexic or bulimic tell them that you are worried about them and strongly encourage them to get professional help.

Will I get more illnesses by being anorexic?

Yes, someone suffering from anorexia is at greater risk of illness because of a depleted immune system. It is recommended that a variety of vitamins and anti oxidants be added to your lifestyle.