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They are still just called electrons , they don't have a different name.

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Electrons that inhabit specific energy levels or orbitals in an atom are called "valence electrons." These electrons play a key role in determining an atom's chemical properties and how it interacts with other atoms.

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Q: What are electrons called that inhabit regions of levels the atom?
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Are the broad bands or regions located around the nucleus where the electrons are found called energy rings?

No, the broad bands or regions around the nucleus where electrons are found are called electron shells or energy levels. These shells represent different energy levels for the electrons in an atom.

What is a regions where electrons are likely to be found?

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What do you call the regions of the atoms in which electrons move?

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The regions within an electron cloud where electrons are located are called?

The regions within an electron cloud where electrons are located are called orbitals. Orbitals describe the probability of finding an electron in a specific region of space around the nucleus.

What subatomic particles surround the nucleus?

Electrons surround the nucleus of an atom. They are negatively charged and move around the nucleus in specific energy levels or orbitals.

What is the regions where electrons are located?

Electrons are located in specific energy levels around the nucleus of an atom. These regions are known as electron shells or orbitals. Each shell can hold a certain number of electrons based on its energy level.

Where on an atom can electrons can be found?

Electrons can be found in regions of space around the nucleus called electron shells or energy levels. These shells are designated by the principal quantum number, with the first shell closest to the nucleus and subsequent shells further away. Within each shell, electrons occupy specific orbitals, which are specific regions where electrons are most likely to be found.

Model with dark bands representing energy levels shows where an atom's electrons are most likely to be?

This model is called the electron cloud model. The dark bands represent regions of high probability of finding electrons, known as electron orbitals. Electrons are most likely to be found in these regions surrounding the nucleus of an atom.

What is the fixed paths of electrons called?

energy levels

What is the number of protons in the nucleus or the number the electrons in the energy levels called?

valence electrons

Electrons dart in ever changing paths within energy levels called an?

Electrons dart in ever changing paths within energy levels called orbitals. Orbitals are regions of space around the nucleus where electrons are most likely to be found. The different shapes and orientations of orbitals reflect the probability distribution of finding an electron in that region.

What is another name for the Energy levels in atoms?

Another name for energy levels in atoms is electron shells or electron orbitals. These are regions around the nucleus where electrons are most likely to be found.