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There are many at the end of the Periodic Table that are named in honor of people.

Copernicium, number 112, symbol Cn, is named after Nicolaus Copernicus.

Roentgenium, number 111, symbol Rg, is named after Wilhelm Röntgen.

Meitnerium, number 109, symbol Mt, is named after Lise Meitner.

Bohrium, number 107, symbol Bh, is named after Niels Bohr.

Seaborgium, number 106, symbol Sg, is named after Glenn Seaborg.

Rutherfordium, number 104, symbol Rf, is named after Ernest Rutherford.

Lawrencium, number 103, symbol Lr, is named after Ernest Lawrence.

Nobelium, number 102, symbol No, is named after Alfred Nobel.

Mendelevium, number 101, symbol Md, is named after Dmitri Mendeleev.

Fermium, number 100, symbol Fm, is named after Enrico Fermi.

Einsteinium, number 99, symbol Es, is named after Albert Einstein.

Curium, number 96, symbol Cm, is named after Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie.

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