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Q: What are elements that I have some properties of metals and some properties of nonmetals col what are elements that are some properties of metals and some properties of nonmetals called?
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The elements that lack most of the properties of metals are called?

Nonmetals lack most of the properties of a metal.

Elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals?


What is an element whose physical properties are generally opposite to metals?

These chemical elements are nonmetals.

Which elements in the periodic table are nonmetals and which are metalloids?

Non metals have properties opposite those of the metals . The metalloids, or semimetals, have properties that are somewhat of a cross between metals and nonmetals.

What are the different categories are the elements put into?

Metals, nonmetals, and metalloids which are elements that have some of the same properties as metals but not all properties to make them a metal

Do non metals have a wide range of chemical properties?

Yes, nonmetals (excepting noble gases) are reactive chemical elements.

What are semiametals?

As we look across the periodic table from left to right, we see metals on the left, transition metals through the middle and nonmetals on the right. What we left out was that group of elements between the transition metals and the nonmetals, and these semimetals are called metalloids.Metaloids have properties that are in between those of transition metals and nonmetals, or perhaps properties that are some combination of those of transition metals and nonmetals. The elements in this group include boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium.

What is the class classification system for Elements?

Elements are classified into classes based on their properties and characteristics. The main classes of elements are metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Metals are typically shiny, malleable, and good conductors of heat and electricity. Nonmetals are typically dull, brittle, and poor conductors. Metalloids have properties of both metals and nonmetals.

What is an element that shares the properties of metals and nonmetals?

An element that has properties of both metals and non-metals is called Metalloid. Example is Germanium.

What are nonmetals?

Non-metals are dull, brittle elements that do not conduct electricity.

What term describes elements with properties that fall between of metals and nonmetals?


How are the elements ordered on the periodic table left to right in terms of metals nonmetals and metals?

The elements on the periodic table are ordered from left to right as metals, metalloids, and nonmetals. The left side consists mostly of metals, which are typically shiny, malleable, and good conductors of heat and electricity. In the middle, we have metalloids, which possess properties of both metals and nonmetals. The right side contains nonmetals, which are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity and have varying physical properties.