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Enzymes speed up chemical reactions.

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Q: What are enzymes What is their role in a cell?
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What role do enzymes have the cell?

reduce the amount of energy required for activation

What is the role of proteolytic enzymes in the cell cycle?

It separates the chromosomes during mitosis.

An important part of cell respiration is the role of because of their invovlement with regulation?

enzymes :D

What role do lysosomes play in an animal cell?

Lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles that contain digestive enzymes. They function to break down cellular waste, old organelles, and foreign particles such as bacteria, acting as the cell's recycling center and maintaining cellular health.

What cell organelle contain digestive enzymes?

Lysosomes are the organelles contained in the cells digestive enzymes. Lysosomes have the acid hydrolase enzymes that digest waste products in a cell, such as viruses and bacteria. These organelles also play a role in plasma membrane repair.

Where do you find ribosomes in a cell?

a cell that is producing cytoplasmic enzymes

What An important part of cell respiration is the role of because of thir involvement with regulation?

enzymes-B Ramon C.

How many enzymes are in one cell?

There are lots of enzymes in a cell, and from cell to cell, it varies how much enzymes each has. Also some cells make enzymes and secrete it outside.

What is the Role of minerals in cell process?

Each minerals has their own functions, but the general function is that minerals are co-factors of enzymes.

What controls reactions in a cell?


What packages proteins hormones and enzymes in a cell?

what packages protein hormones and enzymes in a cell

What is the role of vitamins within the cell?

The precise role of vitamins in cellular activities is not really understood. What we do know is that some vitamins work with enzymes to initiate chemical reactions within the cell. For example, Vitamin C is known to play an essential role in the reproduction of bone tissue. On the cellular level, Vitamin C works with certain enzymes to produce new bone cells.