

What are equine animals?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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9y ago

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Equine animals are mammals that belong to the family Equidae. It includes species like donkeys, wild horses, zebras, domesticated horses, and asses. Horses and zebras tend to live in herds in the wild.

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9y ago
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Q: What are equine animals?
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Equine are horses, donkeys, mules or zebras so equine vet only treats animals of those types. If you mean the number of client animals, it would vary by vet, location, specialty.

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It is actually called an Equine family. Zebras, donkeys, mules, and horses are the most obvious species in the Equine family.

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Veterinarians treat all types of animals. Exotic animals, equine, wildlife, or domestic, veterinarians are certified and licensed to care for all types of animals.

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University of CA at Davis has a fine equine veterinary program.

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an equestrian vet is known as an 'equine vet'. They study large animals, then specialize into horses.

What are the benefits of an equine veterinarian?

An equine veterinarian gets to work around animals that they love. They also get to be highly paid by wealthy people in general. It costs a lot of money to properly care for horses and the vet is a beneficiary of this.

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A zebroid is a generic term for a zebra crossed with any other equine

Can you be an equine and a small animal vet?

Yes, you can work as a both an equine and a small animal veterinarian. However, equine medicine in the United States has become a specialty distinct from small animal medicine and it is uncommon to have either a veterinarian that stays current on all of these species or to have a practice that supports both an equine client list and a small animal client list without also covering large animals.

Is it true that Equine animals Horses Mules etc cannot vomit?

yea. unless they are coughing up a giant hairball