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Homonyms are words that look alike and sound alike but have different meanings:

cell (microscopic unit of living matter)

cell (single room in a monastery or a jail)

cell (small compartment - as in a honeycomb)

bank - place where you deposit money, blood, etc

bank - edge of a river

cold - viral infection

cold - opposite of hot

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Q: What are examples of a homonym?
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Homonym vs synonym?

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No, "filthy" is not a homonym. Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings, while "filthy" only has one meaning related to being extremely dirty or unclean.

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"Fall" is an example of a homonym because it has multiple meanings. It can refer to the season of autumn as well as the act of descending or dropping to the ground.

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One example of homonyms with different spelling is "meet" and "meat." "Meet" refers to coming together, while "meat" is the flesh of animals used as food. Another example is "soar" (to fly high in the sky) and "sore" (painful or sensitive).

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Yes, the word "metamorphosis" does not have a homonym in the English language. Homonyms are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings, and "metamorphosis" does not have another word with the same pronunciation and different meaning.

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The homonym is sell

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"Drenched" does not have a homonym.