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Q: What are examples of fusiform muscle?
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How are muscle fibers arranged to form a muscle?

Muscle fibers can be arranged into two basic structural patterns, fusiform and pinnate. Most human muscles are fusiform, with the fibers largely arranged parallel along the muscle's longitudinal axis. In many of the larger muscles the fibers are inserted obliquely into the tendon, and this arrangement resembles a feather. The fibers in a pinnate (feather) muscle are shorter than those of a fusiform muscle. The arrangement of pinnate muscle fibers can be single or double, as in muscles of the forearm, or multipinnate, as in the gluteus maximus or deltoid.

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muscles are made up of cells

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Some examples are smooth muscle and cardiac muscle.

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Describe the differences between a fusiform and pennate muscle?

In non pennate or fusiform structure, fibers run in line with the line of pull. There is a longer fiber length associated with a fusiform structure, but often not a very thick cross-section -Weaker overall, but greater ROM (range of movement) making it good for speed In a pennate or penniform muscle structure, there is an oblique fiber pattern. Fibers do not pull in the same direction as the line of muscle pull. There is a shorter fiber length but usually a thicker cross sectional area. -There are three pennate types 1) Unipennate: One-sided feather such as in the semimembranous 2) Bipennate: Two-sided feather such as in the gastrocnemius 3) Multipennate: many-headed two sided feather such as in the deltoids -Good for strength, smaller ROM, meaning it is not as great for speed

What shape is a white shark?

Sharks are typically "fusiform".

What are examples of skeletal muscle?

The biceps - any muscle attached to the skeleton.

What function of the smooth muscle that the structure complements or ensures?

The smooth muscle plays a key role in regulating the diameter of blood vessels, thus controlling blood flow and pressure. Its ability to contract and relax helps to ensure proper circulation and distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

What has the author C H Walkinshaw written?

C. H. Walkinshaw has written: 'Promising resistance to fusiform rust from southeastern slash pines' -- subject(s): Slash pine, Disease and pest resistance, Diseases and pests, Pine fusiform rust 'How to classify fusiform rust galls on infected loblolly and slash pines' -- subject(s): Identification, Diseases and pests, Loblolly pine, Slash pine, Pine fusiform rust

What has the author Glenn A Snow written?

Glenn A. Snow has written: 'Using Bayleton (Triadimefon) to control fusiform rust in pine tree nurseries' -- subject(s): Fungicides, Pine fusiform rust