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Easter Island, Greenland, the Maya.

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Q: What are examples of societies that failed?
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Why did cooperative societies failed in Tanzania?

why coopertive failed in tanzania

Are there any examples of societies without crime and punishment?

Only in fiction and perhaps for a very limited time on a very small scale. There have been utopian villages set up , but all failed and before long, some kinds of crime occurred even before they failed.

What was a reason why Utopian societies failed?

Utopian societies often failed due to unrealistic expectations, internal conflicts over power and resources, and difficulties in maintaining a balance between individual freedom and community cohesion.

What are some examples of intolerant societies?

All of them

What was one reason utpian societies failed?

Work was not shared equally. (Apex)

Are there real life Utopian societies?

no, and all previous attempts have failed. yes there r

What societies had slavery?

Ancient Greece, Rome, the United States, and various African societies are examples of societies that practiced slavery at different points in history.

What are specific examples of complex societies in Mesopotamia?

help them live

What beliefs did Utopian socialists and communists have in common?

The capitalist systems has failed the majority of people in industrial societies

What are some examples of famous products that failed in the U.S.?

new coke

What are Examples of co-operative societies in anand citi?

the milk producers co operative society..(amul)

Define civil society and cite some of examples of civil societies in Tanzania?

example of civil society