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Speech to inform uses statements to convey facts.

Examples at home:

I expect your room to be cleaned before we go shopping at 3 p.m.

Dinner is at 5:30 p.m.

Your mother will pick you up today after school.

You cannot watch television until you finish your homework.

Examples at school:

Put away your art supplies and open your English books to page 121.

You will have 55 minutes to complete this test.

Elephants, even baby elephants, have fully formed trunks.

Christopher Columbus sailed in 1492.

The North won the US Civil War.

Examples at work or with customers:

Each backpack costs $15.00 plus tax.

We open at 9 a.m. and close at 6 p.m.

Employees can eat in the lunchroom or go out to eat.

Everyone is expected to dress professionally.

We give cash on returns, only if you paid in cash.

We must complete a Return Form for each returned item.

We do not accept returns under any circumstance.

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Q: What are examples of speech to inform?
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A inform. The general purpose of a speech when you act primarily as a teacher or lecturer is to inform your audience about a particular topic or subject matter.

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How does a speech to inform differ from other types of speech?

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Speech to inform example?

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It's purpose is to inform! Hint: informa:tive

What is the purpose of informative speech?

It's purpose is to inform! Hint: informa:tive

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