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Q: What are examples of state and local taxes and spending?
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What are some examples of taxes received by the local government?

state taxes

What is mandatory deductions?

state taxes, federal taxes, and local taxes.

What is the between local and national taxes?

State taxes, usually State Income Tax

How do local federal and state taxes support the economy?

Taxes really don't stimulate the economy as well as the private sector. Obviously if you are spending someone else's money, you wouldn't spend it as efficiently or as productively as if you yourself were spending your money. This is a highly debateable topic, so not everyone will agree, but from all the evidence I can see, in general higher taxes hinder economic growth.

What taxes will be levied at the state and local level?

State Governments

How much does an average American pay in taxes a year?

The United States has a progressive tax system so the more your income, the higher your income taxes will be. U.S. Citizens are also subject to many, many different kinds of taxes. Some of these taxes include State and Local Income Taxes, State and Local Sales Taxes, State and Local Property Taxes on homes, land, and other property, State and Local Motor Vehicle Taxes, Federal, State and Local Gasoline Taxes, etc. There is also a host of embedded taxes that the people of the United States pay such as taxes that are imposed on business and corporations that are passed on to the consumer, taxes imposed on utilities, telephone, railroad, transportation, etc.

Which taxes help fund the state and local governments?

Income taxes and inport tarffs

Which of the following statements about taxes is false?

Taxes are collected at the local, state and federal level

Can counties collect local sales taxes in place of state sales taxes?

It would depend on your state law. But in most places, counties collect sales taxes in addition to state sales taxes.

Who may state constitutions limit taxes on?

Local Government =) State constitutions can limit taxes only on private purposes.

Can you claim sales tax on your taxes?

Yes, you can claim state and local sales taxes on your return. But in order to do so you must itemize deductions and you must not claim state and local income taxes. You're allowed to claim either state and local income taxes or state and local sales taxes, but not both.If you do claim the sales tax deduction, you can either claim the amount you actually paid (based on receipts) or the amount given to you by the IRS's Sales Tax Deduction Calculator.For a more detailed explanation of the state and local sales tax deduction, please see Deducting State Sales Tax.

What level of government is responsible for taxes?

they shouldn't have taxes anyway