

What are facts about microscopes?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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8y ago

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Microscopes are used to see very small (microscopic) things e.g. micro-organisms, bacteria etc.

Microscopes are used to learn thing (in much more detail) They are answers to questions like why does your food go out of date and you can't eat it anymore.

The people who invented and improved this object are Hans Lippershey, Sacharias Jansen, and Hans Jenssen. They were all eyeglass makers.

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Q: What are facts about microscopes?
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An electron microscope can enlarge images up to 10,000,000 times (107x).Other types of microscopes that can achieve over 105 magnification include scanning probe microscopes, such as atomic force microscopes, electrostatic force microscopes, magnetic force microscopes, scanning tunneling microscopes, and piezo force microscopes.

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