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its the head of the food chain in the river.

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Q: What does a Yangtze river dolphin looks like?
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What does a pregnant river dolphin look like?

Your mama thats what it looks like

Is a pink dolphin a kind of dolphin?

yes but no. it is a dolphin but its from another family than the regular ''pink river dolphin" on imagesit looks like any other regular dolphin.

Why couldn't the Yangtze river dolphin move to a better home?

Like any aquatic animal, the Yangtze river dolphin couldn't travel over land to get into a different river system. The only way to get to another river system would have been to swim out of the mouth of the Yangtze and along the coast until they reached the mouth of another river. However, the dolphins didn't know that there were any other river systems to escape to, and even if they had, they couldn't have crossed the ocean because they were a freshwater species and didn't have kidneys adapted for filtering enough salt out of their bodies that they could drink seawater.

What do people use the Yangtze river for?

People use the Yangtze River for many things like water, irrigation, sanitation, transportation, industry, boundary-marking, and war. The Yangtze is the third longest river on the planet; translated, the name means 'long river.'

What is a botle nose dolphin?

a bottlenose dolphin is a dolphin with a nose that looks like a bottle

What is dolphin's appearment?

a dolphin looks like...a small whale or a smooth shark

What does a spinner dolphin look like?

i think it looks like a dolphin lol

What is the society like around the Yangtze River?

People who live near the Yangtze strongly believe in Buddhism/ a Buddha, as far as I know.

How is the Yangtze river like the Huang he river?

they are both in India and are main water sources for people in Asia

Does Amazon river dolphin live in Amazon river?

yes they do live in the amazon other dolphins do to like the pink dolphin

How did the constellation Delphinus get its name?

It looks like a Dolphin in the sky; and the scientific name for a dolphin is Delphinus.

What kind of animal is a pink dolphin?

Baby Dolphins of all species of Dolphins are called calves.