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Fake friends are people who like you for what you have or who you hang out with. Fake friends will ditch you for the opposite sex and even fight you to go out with someone you like even if they are in a relationship already. Fake friends will leave when they have all they want from you. they have no personality and copy yours until they find someone cooler. they brag about how cool they are and whine and complain about their problems and never listen to you. They wont stay with you in the long run and will give you crap when you prevent them from getting everything they want, and they hurt you and make you feel bad and never apologize. They call you names behind your back, start rumors about you, and break their promises to you.

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12y ago

Don't waste time with them! Just slowly break away from them and grow further apart. Be civil to them, don't be rude, but gradually become less and less close to them, until eventually you don't talk too much at all.

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yes they are all friends becaus its fake but we still love it

What is a fake friend?

a fake friend is a person who you think is your friend but then they suddenly turn on you and act like you never were friends or start spreading rumors about you when you think they are your friend. fake friends can be very sneaky! be careful and good luck!

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sure you can... if your that pathetic

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rent-a-homies are basically fake friends that you pay to act as your crew

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Of course they can. I have some friends that their daughters are 12 and they both get fake nails on:)

What is the solution in making your friends stop thinking that you are fake?

If your friends think you are fake try to talk to them.. speak out.. I am dealing with an issue where I think MY friends are fake.. Try to learn some new things about them! "What's your favorite color?" "How are you today?" these are things you can say! You can try to always say your words with more meaning. You can try to do favors for them! "Hey, Is there anything I can do to help?" To be friends is to always be there for each other!

Who does Justin gabriel like in WWE?

they are just friends maybe fake

Can you buy friends?

No, because money can't buy friendship. but, well you can still buy some fake friends ;)

What do you do when you tell your friend she has fake friends?

In this matter it's not important whether your friend does or doesn't have fake friends. What does matter is how it affects you personally, and whether it causes problems in your life. Sometimes people like having fake friends, as it's the easiest solutions among all other less fortunate solutions for social contacts in certain less fortunate places.