

What do female lions do?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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1. A lions roar can be heard from 5 miles away the loudest of any cat. 2.Lions have subspecies which include the Barbary Lion that has a more black and distinct mane. 3.Male lions can range anywhere from 400-700 lbs although some lions have been found to reach 900 lbs. 4.Lions are the second largest cat behind the Tiger. 5.Lions live on the plains of Africa and are carnivorous social hunters. 6.Lions live in prides which is a family unit in which they survive. 7.Male lions are the defensive unit of the pride whereas female lions are the hunters or in this case the huntresses. Although male lions have been known to involve themselves occasionally in hunts. 8.Male lions will ban smaller male lions who have reached sexually maturity in the pride. These lions then enter an area between prides known as nomad land where they become nomadic lions in search of their own pride. 9. Average life span of a male lion is half that of a female because of the competitiveness for their pride. Male lions average 8 years, which is said to be their endpoint of youth whereas female lions average 16 years. 10. Females are known to be in one pride for over many generations whereas males are on a come and go basis. Nomadic lions that take over another male lion's pride will kill the young and start producing young of their own simply because it is a unit of survival to spread their own genes. 11. An interesting fact is that before a male lion invades another pride's territory they will sometimes eat and roll around in hippo's feces. This is done because of the testosterone in the feces prepares them for a fight and they get a sense of invincibility. 12. Lions are also known to be scavengers. In fact against normal beliefs of hyenas being the scavengers lions do this more often.
it hunts in packs so there is more chance of them to catch its prey.

It can weigh up to250 kilos.

its hind legs are really powerful so it can run really fast to catch its prey faster.

the lions roar can tell other male lions to stay away because it has its cubs and lioness with him.

the lion has really good eyesight so it can hunt at night to.
Only male lions have a mane,the male defend the pride n female are in charge of hunting.a pride may cover up to 260 sq km as territory..a lion has a claw at the back of its leg,which it sometimes use to pick leftovers from its teeth!
These are a few facts of lions. They are the king of the jungle.

The lioness does all the hard work of hunting. The lion is

a lazy animal.

The lion is the only animal to ha ve a good Maine .

In a circius it is the lioness that does the tricks, as the male lion is far to lazy to learn.A lion's roars can be heard 15 miles away from him.

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7y ago
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14y ago

1.Lions discovered peanut butter and kool aid. 2.Lions can run faster than the speed of light. 3.Lions like butter on their human. 4.Lions like jelly. 5.Lions like cookies with sprinkles on them. 6.Lions like jelly again. 7.Lions can jump over the moon. 8.Lions can do what ever you can't do. 9.Lions can make 2+2=a popsicle. 10.If you don't like lions, find your family dead tomorrow morning. 11.If you shoot a lion, the bullet will reflect of its muscles and come back at you.

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13y ago
Basic Facts about LionsThe name of a male is referred to as a lion or tom

The name of a female is referred to as a she-lion or lioness

The name or offspring, or a baby Lion, is a cub, whelp or lionet who live in a lions den

The average size of a litter is two

The collective name for a group of Lions is a pride

The sound made by a Lion is referred to as a roar or growl

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13y ago

female lions hunt for the pride and take care of there cubs.

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12y ago

Female lion's main role is to hunt, since a male lion's mane gets in the way, and raise their cubs.

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12y ago

they are a cat

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14y ago

the male is lager then female

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Female lions do

How do female lions survive?

female lions survive by hunting for food and water. and trying not to get into fights that could kill her.

How could you describe a female lion?

Female lions look very similar to their male counterparts, however they do not have the long mane male lions are famous for. Female lions hunt in packs and protect the young.

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Mostly because of food and who gets control of the female lions.

Are male lions lazy?

yes, female lions are not so lazy as men because female lions hunt for men them selfs an cubs. When a lion female gets food the men eats first then the female and last the cubs. And also some lions could be lazy or some not lazy.

What female animal does all the work?

female lions (lionesses)

What is the name of female lions?

The name for a female lion is a lioness.

Which word means female lions?

A female lion is a lioness

Are lions female?

Not all of them (for obvious reasons). It is easy to distinguish between male and female lions because adult male lions have long fur on their head and neck called a mane, while female lions do not. Males have this because they get into fights over territory with other lions and the fur helps protect their necks in these fights. See the related link for a picture. The male lion is on the left, the female on the right. Well not all of them but there is some female lions between adult lions and male lions. Im been seeing female lions on tv doing stuff like taking care of there kids but not eating cheetas, and other lion family been eating them,

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Who does the most hunting out of the lions?

The female