

What are five land formed by river erosion?

Updated: 9/10/2021
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6y ago

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The processes of erosion and deposition create different river landforms. River landscapes change as you go downstream from the source to the mouth. In the upper course of a river, steep gradients lead to rapid-flowing rivers. In the middlecourse, the river meanders through gentle gradients.

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Kathlyn Feil

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Q: What are five land formed by river erosion?
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The processes of erosion and deposition create different river landforms. River landscapes change as you go downstream from the source to the mouth. In the upper course of a river, steep gradients lead to rapid-flowing rivers. In the middlecourse, the river meanders through gentle gradients.

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The low water land that is formed at the mouth of a river is called a delta.

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The low water land that is formed at the mouth of a river is called a delta.