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1. Educate yourself on ways to have safe sex! This is probably the best way to protect yourself!

2. Before you have sex with a partner, make sure the BOTH of you have been tested RECENTLY! You never know. People can lie, but tests never do. Even if you do practice safe sex, the chances of a condom breaking and you contracting the virus should not be messed with.

3. If you are disciplined enough, remain abstinent if you have doubts about your partner.

4. If you have a question about HIV/AIDS, ASK IT (a professional, preferably)!! The only dumb question is the one you don't ask.

5. Practice safe sex. Make sure both you AND your partner know what you're doing. If either one of you have a question, it's better to hold off until you have your question answered than to screw up your health for a few sec/min/hours/days/weeks/months of pleasure (however you do it).

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13y ago
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13y ago

#1 Sex= intercourse #2 Sex= oral #3 sharing drug needles #4 Breast milk from a Hiv positive mother. #5 any path way which invole a opening cut, also areas such as mouth, rectum, penis, vagina, eyes can be a gate way...

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12y ago

Wear a condom when having sexual intercourse, be careful of blood contact, don't share dirty needles, and get checked every once in awhile.

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11y ago

Practicing safe sex is the best way, followed by if you do use drugs that are injected via needle, that you use your own needle.

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What is the solution of AIDS?

There is no cure for AIDS or HIV. You get HIV then develop AIDS. It's kind of like getting a cold then sneezing as a symptom where the cold is HIV and the sneezing is AIDS. You can not have AIDS but not having HIV. Using protection during sex, not sharing needles, and staying away from blood can lower your chance of getting HIV.

Are AIDS and HIV the same things and I mean are they similar to each other?

HIV is the virus and AIDS is the disease. You get HIV and once it starts attacking your body you get AIDS. In lucky people, they can have HIV without ever getting AIDS but sadly, this is not true for everyone.

How many people die of AIDS per minute?

About five to six people die from AIDS per MINUTE. That proves AIDS is a deadl disease and that you should not have sex until marriage. HIV does not kill you but AIDS does. And AIDS is developed after you are HIV positive.

How to prevent aids?

You prevent aids by not getting infected by HIV. HIV is spread through body fluids. Avoiding sexual contact and contact with blood through sharing needles and transfusions can go a long way toward preventing it.

Can you get HIV by sucking a pennies?

Not AIDS, but HIV can transfer through that.

What is aids and what causes aids?

AIDS is what you get when you have the HIV virus, its the next stage of the virus and that will kill you so once you get AIDS that's it, there is no cure and no treatment for AIDS. There is treatment for HIV and Magic Johnson is the first person that i have ever heard of that announced that he had the HIV virus 15 years ago and never got AIDS but he took these drugs and it stopped him from getting AIDS but he will always have the HIV virus.

Is anything being done about AIDS?

There have been advances in medicine that are effective for HIV/AIDS. Education about HIV/AIDS teaches people about it and steps to take in order to protect yourself from getting it.

How was HIVAIDS discovered?

well i am thinking of getting the cure to hiv\aids

List five communicable diseases?

aids, hiv, measles, rulla and mrsa

What is the importance of epidemiology in HIV AIDS?

The importance of studing hiv and aids The importance of studing hiv and aids

Can o blood type contract the aids virus?

Yes. No blood type is immune from the HIV virus.

Are there vaccinations for HIV or AIDS?

There are no vaccinations for HIV or AIDS.