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You should maintain a balanced diet, but things in the dairy category are high in calcium which helps promote strong bones.



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16h ago

Foods that help promote bone health include dairy products like milk and cheese for calcium, fatty fish like salmon for vitamin D, leafy greens like spinach for vitamin K, and nuts and seeds for magnesium. Additionally, incorporating foods rich in protein like lean meats, beans, and lentils can also support bone health.

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13y ago

Milk is a very good thing with your bones. There are a lot of foods so look on the ingredient label for answers.

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Q: What are foods that would that will help with bone health?
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A good indicator of bone health?

A good indicator of bone health is bone mineral density, which can be measured using a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan. This test can help assess the risk of osteoporosis and fractures by measuring the amount of calcium and other minerals in the bones.

How many bones in a eighty year old?

The number of bones in an eighty-year-old would be the same as in a younger adult, which is typically 206. However, as people age, bone density can decrease, which may increase the risk of fractures and other bone-related issues. Regular exercise and proper nutrition can help maintain bone health.

How would you provide care support for an elderly client suffering from osteoporosis?

Care support for an elderly client with osteoporosis may include ensuring their living environment is safe to prevent falls, encouraging weight-bearing exercises to help maintain bone strength, and promoting a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D for bone health. Regular monitoring and follow-up with healthcare professionals is also important to manage any pain or complications associated with osteoporosis.

What foods help with frequent urination?

Foods that may help with frequent urination include water-rich fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumbers, and celery. Additionally, foods high in potassium such as bananas and sweet potatoes can help regulate fluid balance in the body. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol, which are diuretics, may also help reduce frequent urination.

How can bone remodeling determine age?

Bone remodeling can provide information about someone's age through the process of continuous bone turnover. As people age, their bones undergo remodeling, where old bone is broken down and new bone is formed. By studying the rate of bone remodeling and the balance between bone formation and resorption, researchers can infer an individual's age. Additionally, changes in bone density, structure, and composition can also indicate age-related bone remodeling patterns.

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What would life be like without x-rays?

If X-Rays did not exist, then people would not know how severe their broken bone is, or they would not know if they have broken a bone in an injury. X-Rays are very important because they help you with your health and your bones.

Are there foods that help grow bones.?

Foods high in Calcium are good for bone growth. Canned salmon, custard and cheese are good choices.

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There are many different types of foods that help with your digestive health. The number one thing to look for is fiber. Making sure you have enough fiber in your diet will ensure you have great digestive health.

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What minerals and vitamins help with bone formation?

Phosphorus Fluorine Calcium All are minerals and aid in bone health

What type of foods make your bones strong and healthy?

Calcium is the major element required for bone growth, and it is normally consumed in milk and other dairy products. Other foods with calcium include tofu, salmon and sardines, leafy greens, beans, peas, and almonds. Bone strength also requires Vitamin D, which the body makes when the skin is exposed to sunlight. It also occurs naturally in fish, and as the derivative cod liver oil. It is added as a supplement to most processed milk and dairy foods.

How do low glycemic foods help your health?

Low glycemic index foods have a lot of nutrition but not a lot of sugar that will increase your blood glucose.

What diet foods help diabetics?

There are many types of diet foods available to help a diabetic become healthier. Foods with high fiber and whole grains are excellent for a diabetic's diet plan. Fruits and vegetables are other types of food that help with a diabetics health.

Is there a list of foods to help have healthy blood?

Food has an adverse affect on your over all health. For instance, if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol there are foods that you can avoid or be sure to include in your diet to help correct those health issues. It is important to consult with a medical professional if you suffer from any health conditions.

What are good fatty foods?

Good fatty foods are low-fat diets that help you lose weight, manage cholesterol,and prevent health problems.

Bone meal does taking bone meal help arthritis?

There is no evidence that diet has any influence easing arthritic conditions aside from The condition Gout where foods with purines needs to be avoided.