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Fossil fuels are naturally made properties of the earth, like Natural Gas, Oil and more. Currently, the people of our planet are drilling through the earth to retrieve these, with the expense of our environment. The thing is, there's a certain amount of it. There's no way for Earth to make them again. Once it's all gone, it's all gone and our world will suffer from it. It doesn't sound like a good price to pay, when you can substitute it easily, is it?

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Q: What are fossil fuel and how does earth make them?
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Magma and fossil fuel are both earth related. They both come from deep under the earth.

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How much fossil fuel is left on earth?

There is not to much fossil fuel left of the whloe world of have fossil fuel. we need to work lees time of it to last more time .

What fossil fuel is used to make petrol?

petrol is made from the fossil fuel oil

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coal is the main fossil fuel on earth that is found under the earth and dug up.

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How is fossil fuel bad?

Fossil fuel is bad because it is not reusable. Once we take all of it from the earth, there won't be any left. To make energy, the fossil fuels must be burnt. The smoke that is released after it is burnt has carbon dioxide and other chemicals that are harmful to nature.

How do you make an fosill on alchemy on iPhone?

Fossil = butterfly + earth fossil = fern + earth Fossil + life = Zombie :)

Which fossil fuel is formed over millions of years from sun?

Fossil fuels are formed on Earth, not on Sun.

How is Oil a fossil fuels?

The definition of a fossil fuel is fuel consisting of the remains of organisms preserved in rocks in the earth's crust with high carbon and hydrogen content. Oil is actually being debated as to whether or not it is a fossil fuel. Most scientists support that it is a fossil fuel and we need to conserve it.