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Q: What are four Great Society programs and four Warren Court rulings?
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The Warren Court often made rulings that?

to supported civil liberties

The Warren Court often made rulings that _____.?

to supported civil liberties

Recent Supreme Court rulings have indicated that affirmative action programs in schools are what?

Should treat everyone equally.

Why is the great society's considered to be mixed?

It was part of the warren court stutitional organization

Recent Supreme Court rulings have indicated that affirmative action programs in schools .?

Recent Supreme Court rulings have upheld the use of affirmative action programs in schools but have also imposed limitations on their implementation, such as emphasizing that race cannot be the decisive factor in admissions decisions. The rulings aim to strike a balance between promoting diversity and ensuring that the programs are narrowly tailored and do not result in quotas or discrimination against other groups.

How does Chief Justice Earl Warren primarily support the Supreme Court's opinion?

With references to previous laws and rulings- apex!:)

Why is the great society's legacy considered be mixed?

It was part of the warren court stutitional organization

Why is the great society's legacy considered to be mixed?

It was part of the warren court stutitional organization

What theories explain how the court makes decisions?

I'm assuming you mean the Supreme Court. Judicial Restraint: the idea that justices should uphold the constitution at all costs even if it goes against their personal morals or what they believe would benefit society. This contrasts... Judicial Activism: when justices rule by considering the societal implications of such rulings and with the intent to change society for the better. This is quite controversial and perhaps the most famous example is the Warren Court, which ruled on such cases as Brown v Board, Griswald v Connecticut, etc Stare decisis: looking to past rulings and applying them to current cases

What references does chef justice earl warren make to support the supreme court's opinion?

Justice Earl Warren in his opinions often referenced the Constitution and previous Supreme Court decisions to support the Court's opinion. He relied on legal precedents, such as landmark cases and constitutional provisions, to justify the Court's interpretation and application of the law. Additionally, he sometimes referred to historical events and societal norms to provide context and rationale for the Court's rulings.

Supreme Court rulings are made by what?

Simple majority

How did the supreme court rulings in 1883 work against the civil rights of 1875?

The Supreme Court rulings said civil rights were decided by state and local law.