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It depends on the college you attend, but general education courses usually include English comp., science, history, government, arts, and assorted. General education online courses in over 80 subject including: math, science, language arts, music, art, psychology and special education.

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12y ago
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15y ago

A social work must have a minimum of a bachelors degree. Within the bachelors, there is a general cluster of general education requirements. This would include, English, math, psychology and/or sociology, social science, humanities, and exact sciences etc.

A social work must have a minimum of a bachelors degree. Within the bachelors, there is a general cluster of general education requirements. This would include, English, math, psychology and/or sociology, social science, humanities, and exact sciences etc.

A social work must have a minimum of a bachelors degree. Within the bachelors, there is a general cluster of general education requirements. This would include, English, math, psychology and/or sociology, social science, humanities, and exact sciences etc.

A social work must have a minimum of a bachelors degree. Within the bachelors, there is a general cluster of general education requirements. This would include, English, math, psychology and/or sociology, social science, humanities, and exact sciences etc.

A social work must have a minimum of a bachelors degree. Within the bachelors, there is a general cluster of general education requirements. This would include, English, math, psychology and/or sociology, social science, humanities, and exact sciences etc.

A social work must have a minimum of a bachelors degree. Within the bachelors, there is a general cluster of general education requirements. This would include, English, math, psychology and/or sociology, social science, humanities, and exact sciences etc.

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9y ago

The idea is to be "well-rounded" before pursuing those specialties you actually want to know and that interest you. A few of such courses can be waved in college. In some regards it makes sense to need a base of the general to understand the specific but for the most part it's the things that interest a person that truly gets them learning.

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15y ago

A social work must have a minimum of a bachelors degree. Within the bachelors, there is a general cluster of general education requirements. This would include, English, math, psychology and/or sociology, social science, humanities, and exact sciences etc.

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How many semesters to complete general education courses?

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What is an advance college course?

Advance college courses are courses beyond general education courses. Typically with degree programs the first year or two are general education courses which establish a foundation for more specified advanced classes. For example, General Psychology is a general education course needed to take more advanced psychology such as Adolescent psychology. Advance courses are not necessarily harder but more specified.

What are general courses?

It depends on the college you attend, but general education courses usually include English comp., science, history, government, arts, and assorted. General education online courses in over 80 subject including: math, science, language arts, music, art, psychology and special education.

Where can you get a General Certificate of Secondary Education?

At secondary school or alternatively, at courses in your area :)

What colleges?

Independent institutions of higher education offering courses of general studies.

Diffenciate between general education curriculum and technicalvocational education curriculum?

General Education curriculum is being made for those students who wants to get a degree course in college, it is specific in every courses that an individual may choose. And the General ed are for individuals who excel academically. On the other hand Technical-Vocational courses are for individuals who opted to get a one-two year courses wherein skills and competency are being the bases of their study.

Is required courses taken outside of a major and beyond the general education requirements are called?

elective requirements

What Universities offer science courses?

All do. Science is part of general education requirements as well as a major.

If you already have a 4 year degree do you have to retake general education classes to get a different unrelated degree?

Typically, most - if not all - general education courses that have been completed for one degree can be used for another. Some colleges and universities may have time limits on certain courses that have been completed.

What courses are available at Columbia university?

Some courses that are available through the University of Columbia include the typical general education course; math, english, science, communications and art.

What are the major subjects in psychology education?

Some major subjects in psychology education include abnormal psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and research methods in psychology. These subjects cover a wide range of topics related to human behavior, mental processes, and psychological theories.

Can your bachelors in social work be credited toward a nursing degree?

Yes, some of your general education courses should apply.