

What are gestations?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Gestation is the length of time a female, particularly a mammal, is pregnant or has a baby growing in their womb.

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Q: What are gestations?
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What is a pigs gestations?

Pigs have a gestation period of 114 days.

What are peacocks gestations peiriods?

I don't know! Guessing 4 months-7 months

What is the reproductuion do horses have?

The gestations in most horses lasts 11 months, but in Falabella ponies ot lasts 13 months.

About how many weeks does a human pregnancy last?

usually it is about 40 weeks but sometimes it may be overdue or premature but if not usually 40 weeks

Is it true that the bigger the mammal the longer the pregnancy?

Not necessarily. While large mammals like elephants and whales tend to longer pregnancies many of the larger bovine species have gestations that are less than that of a human.

Evoke auto-acoustic emission?

According to the Financial Times (01/14/09) in a study concerning in utero testosterone levels, persons born from gestations in which there were specific periods of elevated levels of testosterone were prone to auto acoustic emissions which they described as an inner ear clicking.

Why is the average gestation period of swine 114?

There isn't a good scientific answer to this question - pigs happen to have a gestation of approximately 114 days (farmers will often cite this as 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days). This is roughly consistent with animals of approximately the same size - dogs have a 60 day gestation and are somewhat smaller while sheep and goats can become around the same size and have gestations of approximately 5 months.

Why do women suffer labor pains at child birth?

The vaginal contractions are for a woman to have an elastic opening in giving birth. Also, for accommodating the bigger and long penis during sexual intercourse. Because of the contractions, and during intercourse, a man tends to penetrate the vagina fully and deeply. And, some men try to pump harder which makes the vagina more pliable.

How much time does it take to develop a new species?

A new species can develop in just a few generations. It really depends on the gestation period of the parent species and general length of parenting.For instance, in the 1970s an area in the UK was isolated by the removal of a bridge, separating the field mice of that area from those surrounding it. Within 18 months, the mice of the isolated area developed into a new species. Divergence of rodent populations can progress fairly quickly due to the very short gestations period (20 days on average) and prolific mating.

What is the typical gestation period of llamas?

Approximately 343 days, although it can be highly variable (gestations up to 375 days have been recorded)

What is an induction abortion?

Induction abortion is a method that may be used during the second or third trimester of a pregnancy (typically after 16 weeks or more). This method mimics labor by using medication to cause both cervical dilation and uterine contractions to expel the pregnancy. Because this method of abortion occurs during later gestations, it is always done in a clinic or hospital where the woman can be monitored for the duration of the procedure. Typically, it does not require surgical instrumentation; but, if needed, surgical intervention is often available. This method of later abortion is less common than a D&E as it often involves a more prolonged procedure time. More information visit website

If I'm not pregnant then how accrate is an pelvic ultrasound?

According to, "Scan technicians estimate the length of the pregnancy by measuring the embryo and comparing these results with a chart of standard sizes/gestations. The earlier the scan is performed, the more accurate these comparisons. Even so, scan 'dates' are only accurate to within five days. A scan performed later than 20-24 weeks cannot accurately assess gestation." == In addition 2 different techs even on the same day can get 2 different sets of results, it can vary because of their techniques or because of the position the baby is in. If you have to go for numerous scans & want consistancy, ask for the same tech every time you go. It also depends on the age of the machine, they can be quite finicky...the newer ones do all the figuring for the techs all they have to do is input the data they are receiving.