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If the person is sorry for what they've done, and are trying hard not to repeat it, there are many scriptures for encouragement. Here are a few:

Romans 3:23&24 First of all, ALL of us have sinned...ALL of us make mistakes..(.Jesus died for us so we could be forgiven if we change our ways and follow HIS example.(1 John 1:7&9)

1 Samuel 16:7 God sees what our HEART is, not what people see. He KNOWS if you're sorry and willingly forgives a repentant heart (Psalms 32:5)(Psalm 86:5)

Psalm 94:19. When a person is truly sorry for something they've done wrong, they can approach God and pray to him through the name of 'Jesus Christ', for forgiveness, and this will often make the person feel much better. (Proverbs 28:13)(Acts 3:19)(Psalm 103:12)

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Q: What are good Bible verses to comfort someone who has done wrong?
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"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," "Live and learn," and "To err is human, to forgive is divine" are good quotes to comfort someone who has done wrong. The point is to provide enough emotional support that the person does not wallow in the past but forgives him/herself and moves on to more acceptable agendas.

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There is no verse in the Bible that says that cremation is wrong.

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