

Best Answer
Skye">Skye">Skye">SkyeSkateborder - black

Fireball - black

Painter - yellow

Artistic yellow

Juggler - green

Shannon - unknown

Cannon - red

Sun Shine - unknown

Orange - orange

Disco - purple

Bubblegum - unknown

Berry - unknown

Blue - blue

Cloud - unknown

Flare - black

Mark - unknown

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Q: What are good names for puffles in club penguin?
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What are good names for white puffles on club penguin?

well if i got a white puffle on club penguin i would name it snowflake ,snowy.

What are the club penguin elite force puffles USED for?

they are there for good looks and they move

Good names for all color puffles on Club Penguin?

windy, fire, pinkie, sun, grass, sky, purple pie, cool man.

Can two of the same puffles have babies on club penguin?

No, they cant, but that is a good question. How do puffles breed? maybe they breed when we cant see them?

Club penguin-do all puffles like water?

Yes. A lot of puffles like water. When you give them baths do it when they are in a good mood.

Can pink puffles only use the trampoline on club penguin?

No, the pink puffles also play with skipping ropes. Basically, pink puffles are very sporty and are good at sports.

What is a good name for a orange puffle on club penguin?

Some good names for orange puffles are: Orange (the fruit) Basket Ball Zoey Ziggy Sir. Laughs-a-lot Mr. Lazzy Quinlyn

Can you buy a bird or goldfish on club penguin?

No, but you can by pet 'Puffles' for your penguin.I think you can but im not sure! so good luck!!!!

Do you feed your puffle on the menu on club penguin?

Uh no i dont think so, the way i feed my puffles are by clicking on the puffle itself and clicking on the food to feed. I'm sure this is how everybody eles has to feed their puffles as well. Hope this helps! Good luck!

What does who's good in Club Penguin mean?

Whose good means who is good at dong...on club penguin.

How good is Club Penguin?

club penguin is good,amzing,fun. the best game ever

Can you get an endless membership on Club Penguin?

yes you can! my names kiki barrow and i have a full one. Just go to clubpenguiniscool and become a member and you are good to go. i love club penguin. its literally my life.