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I think, having research based on what you learn will be good

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Q: What are good topics for a descriptive research?
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Related questions

What tools are used in descriptive research?

The tools used in descriptive research are pictures. Captions and headlines in newspapers are also a good source for descriptive research.

What are some good French research project topics?

Wikipedia has many suggestions on good french research topics but may i suggest a biography on Napoleon Bonaparte

What are good research topics about mercury?

if it is red or not... atmosphere or sand?

Parts of descriptive research?

Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of the subjects being studied. Descriptive research is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical data collected during research.

Descriptive research example?

There are many examples of descriptive research. One way to easily show an example of descriptive research is to show how the periodic table categorizes the elements.

What are the classifications of research according to purpose?

Research can be classified into three main categories based on purpose: exploratory research (to explore new topics), descriptive research (to describe characteristics or relationships), and explanatory research (to explain causes and effects). Each type serves a specific purpose in the research process.

What are some good topics for persuasive research reports?

hockey if you are younger.

What are some good topics to research about in french?

Any that you find interesting.

What are the advantages of descriptive research methods?

The descriptive method of research refers to the process of observing and describing a topic of study, rather than trying to answer a hypothesis. There can be many advantages of the descriptive method of research. For example, a descriptive method of research does not interfere with populations existing in a habitat.

What can be good research topics?

Animals such as Lions, Pandas, Fish,turtles, birds or you can research on Planets, computers, or even soda.

Which of the following are the three basic types of research used in psychology?

The three basic types of research used in psychology are descriptive research, correlational research, and experimental research. Descriptive research aims to observe and describe behavior, correlational research examines the relationship between variables, and experimental research involves manipulating variables to determine cause and effect.

What are good photography topics for a research paper?

waterfalls, nature, bugs, animals, cultures