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The treatment for any disease is dependent on the type of disease your have. Sometimes you can treat a disease and sometimes you can only treat the symptoms.

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Q: What are good treatments that a person may get if they have a serious disease?
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Where to go to when you suffering from huntington's disease?

A good start is the website for the Huntington's Disease Society of America for more information. While HD does not have a cure, there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms of HD.

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Being serious or not does not determine if someone is good or bad. It's more about their actions, values, and how they treat others. People can be serious and still be good, just as people who are more light-hearted can also be good. What matters most is their character and how they choose to behave.

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Soon, the reality of death sunk in, and I realized that my disease was more serious than I had anticipated.

What treatments are available for degenerative disc disease?

Effective treatments for degenerative disc disease usually include a very extensive, complicated operation. If one wants to avoid such operation, one can achieve fairly good results by exercising regulary. However, one should always consult their doctor about which exercise is suitable for ones current condition.

What to treat first in when you are diagnosed with Crohn disease?

Crohn's disease is a very serious auto-immune disease. Go to your doctor and follow his advice. You may need surgery. You will definitely be put on medication. It is not simple and it is life long. Good luck.

Is mastocytosis a serious condition?

It depends on what form, your age, your symptoms, your treatment, and, of course, a good doctor. Since mastocytosis is uncommon, many doctors have to study up on the latest information and treatments.

Does Sears offer good window treatments?

Yes, Sears does offer good window treatments. Sears offers good window treatments at low prices too. It is a great service that is always provided by Sears.

Is there a cure for Gaucher's disease?

there is no cure for gaucher disease but there are treatments for all types. type 1 and 3: enzyme replacement therapy, removal of the spleen, pain meds, and surgery on the bones. type 2:there isn't a good treatment due to the brain damage.

Is there cure for gaucher disease?

there is no cure for gaucher disease but there are treatments for all types. type 1 and 3: enzyme replacement therapy, removal of the spleen, pain meds, and surgery on the bones. type 2:there isn't a good treatment due to the brain damage.

How do you help drug person?

1st - You must talk with him about it and assure this person he needs help 2nd - I advice you to find a good clinic. Doctor will give you professional answer to your question, and then you can begin treatments.

Is it safe or a good idea to take testosterone treatments for working out in order to gain energy for lifting weights because I want to get some serious muscle results?

No, just eat well and put the effort in.