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Eagles are closely related to hawks.

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Q: What are hawks closely related to?
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What are Hawk related to?

Eagles are closely related to hawks.

Are hawks more closely related to a bat a shark or an alligator.?

In terms of evolution, hawks are most closely related to alligators. This is because birds evolved from dinosaurs and both alligators and dinosaurs are archosaurs.

Are Egles related to hawks?

Eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls are all raptors. Eagles are most closely related to the Buteo hawks, which include the redtailed, red shouldered, Swainson's, and rough legged hawks.

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There is some evidence that parrots are related to falcons (rather than falcons being related to hawks and eagles). Studies of DNA suggest that parrots, falcons and songbirds are quite closely related to each other. To read a little more about the research, click on the related link.

Who is related to the hawk?

Hawks are related to eagles, especially the Buteos, like the red tailed and red shouldered hawks.

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The term hawk can be used in several ways. However, the subfamily of the Accipitridae often known as the "true" hawks, including all members of Accipiter and the closely related genera Melierax, Urotriorchis, Erythrotriorchis and Megatriorchis are carnivorous birds.

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