

What are ideograms?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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An ideogram is an idiot that likes gram crackers.

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Q: What are ideograms?
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How diffent are ideograms cueniforms and phonetic alphabets?

Ideograms are symbols that represent entire words or concepts, but don't give a clue as to how the word is pronounced. An example of an ideogram is & (which is pronounced AND in English and Y in Spanish, but has the same meaning in both languages). Cuneiforms are highly stylized ideograms, using a tool that creates little, wedge-like strokes. Some cuneiforms (in the later history of languages that use them) are phonetic. Phonetic alphabets only have symbols that represent sounds, not words.

Besides pictograms and ideograms what was the othere thing that made up Egyptian hieroglyphs?

Any Other Objects That Are In The Egyptian Time.

What is the Ancient greek symbol for family?

There is no Greek symbol for anything.Greeks used letters and words, not ideograms. A ''symbol'' for family was the Goddess Hestia, one of the 12 Olympians.

What do hieroglyphs stand for?

Hieroglyphs are a complex writing system with many different types of signs.Some are called ideograms; these mean exactly what they depict. For example a standing man holding both arms up in front, as if praising is the verb i3w, to praise. Ideograms are often followed by a single short, vertical line.Some signs represent a single consonant sound. For example a semicircular loaf represents t.Some signs represent a group of two consonants. For example the ground plan of a building stands for p+r, pr.Other signs represent a group of three consonants. For example the familiar ankh symbol stands for 3+n+x, 3nx. (The 3 represents a glottal stop, for which English has no letter).Still other signs are used to indicate numerals, plurals, feminine endings and negatives.Another group of signs have no sound value, but they indicate the general meaning of a word. They are called determinatives. For example a sign showing a papyrus roll tied with cord represents abstract ideas, the sign of a kneeling man indicates words associated with men and so on.Note that vowels were not written in hieroglyphs, just as they were not written in ancient Hebrew, Phoenician and Arabic. The people of the time knew exactly which vowels to say when they read the written words, but today we only know the consonants, not the vowels. This means that we can never know how each word was actually said.

What were the four categories of hieroglyphic writing?

Hieroglyphs can be categorised in many different ways, such as grouping them into animals, birds and parts of their bodies, humans and parts of their bodies, small signs, tall signs, signs depicting plants and so on.In linguistic terms the hieroglyphic signs may be grouped as follows:single consonant signs (such as a hand for d)two consonant signs (such as the basket for nb)three consonant signs (such as the star for dw3)ideograms (such as a standing man with arms raised before him for "praise" or a mouth for "mouth")determinatives (such as the papyrus roll) which have no sound value and only serve to help classify words into their general meaning.There therefore 5 categories of hieroglyphs using this system.

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What is the difference between ideograms and pictograms or pictographs?

A Pictogram or pictograph is an iconical representation, which means that it resembles what it represents. You can easily identify what it is represented. However, by using this system people couldn't represent ideas or feelings thats why ideograms appeared afterwards. Ideograms are symbols (like traffic signals) which have been preeconceived by humans. We must know previously what it represents in order to decipher its meaning. I hope it helps! my English is not so good...

How diffent are ideograms cueniforms and phonetic alphabets?

Ideograms are symbols that represent entire words or concepts, but don't give a clue as to how the word is pronounced. An example of an ideogram is & (which is pronounced AND in English and Y in Spanish, but has the same meaning in both languages). Cuneiforms are highly stylized ideograms, using a tool that creates little, wedge-like strokes. Some cuneiforms (in the later history of languages that use them) are phonetic. Phonetic alphabets only have symbols that represent sounds, not words.

Is Japanese capitolized?

No. Japanese kanji (ideograms) and kana (phonetic characters) do not change to indicate proper nouns or the beginning of sentences.

Besides pictograms and ideograms what was the othere thing that made up Egyptian hieroglyphs?

Any Other Objects That Are In The Egyptian Time.

What is the Ancient greek symbol for family?

There is no Greek symbol for anything.Greeks used letters and words, not ideograms. A ''symbol'' for family was the Goddess Hestia, one of the 12 Olympians.

Why do most seals have plants animals or human ideograms?

There are usually animals on seals to represent a trait in an animal that a country or group admires. It may also mean that the animal is from nearby.

What are harvey balls?

Harvey balls are round graphic symbols which represent the data or information. It is used for comparison in presentations. It is also known as small pie-charts or ideograms. Harvey balls are commonly used in comparison tables. View SlideEgg they offers a collection of Harvey balls PowerPoint templates. The slides come with elegant designs and vibrant colors.