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Q: What are indicators of an extent on economic development and why are these important to understand when you are looking at different countries economies and us in their standards of living?
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What do you understand by term development?

Development depends on both social and economic factors.Accordingly development indicators are distinguished into social indicators and economic indicators.In recent times increasing importance are given to the social indicators of development.So discussion on social indicators of development are of recent origin.Now there is a universally accepted meaning of social indicators of development is accepted and that is clearly different from the economic indicators. everything that does not fall into the category of economy is taken as social. thus social indicators are residual category,i.e, not fall into the economic category. Social indicators of development includes health, education, housing, and employment etc. Of course, these indicators have some economic dimension. The factors responsible for overall improvement of Quality of Life are taken as social indicators. Social indicators are taken as a more wider and integrated area of social concern than that of economic indicators.Read more: What_do_you_understand_by_social_indicators_of_development

What do you understand by social indicators of development?

Social indicators of development are measures that assess the well-being and quality of life of a society, such as education levels, healthcare access, poverty rates, and social equality. They help to gauge the progress and impact of development efforts on a population's social welfare and overall prosperity. These indicators provide a more holistic perspective on development beyond just economic growth.

What is the definition of levels of development?

Levels of development refer to different stages of economic and social progress in a society, typically categorized based on income, industrialization, technological advancement, and human development indicators like healthcare and education. These levels help to understand the overall well-being and quality of life in a particular country or region.

What is the Basic Indicators of Development?

In my opinion that indicator of developement isinstitutional affactiveness is the indicator of development and different country there are different indicatoer of development some country will to increse in per capti incomesome will decrese in population and some will increse in population

Why do different indicators yield different mole ratios?

Necause the 2 indicators have different PHs level

What is development theory?

Development theory is a body of social science theories that aim to explain how and why societies progress and change over time. These theories often focus on economic, social, and political factors that influence development outcomes in different countries or regions. Development theory helps to understand the complexities of development processes, such as poverty reduction, social equality, and sustainable growth.

Why do we study life-span development?

We study life-span development to understand how individuals grow and change physically, cognitively, and emotionally over time. By studying different stages of development, we can gain insights into how experiences and factors like genetics, environment, and culture influence development. This knowledge can inform education, healthcare, and social policies to support individuals across their life span.

A young child's inability to understand another person's perspective?

This is due to the child's cognitive development stage, where they struggle to comprehend that others have thoughts and feelings different from their own. It is a normal part of early childhood development and is known as egocentrism. As they grow and mature, children begin to understand and consider different perspectives.

What are the difference of the teacher in other countries in terms of standard requirements?

Teachers in different countries may have varying standard requirements for certification, education level, and professional development. For example, some countries may require teachers to have a master's degree in education, while others may only require a bachelor's degree. Additionally, countries may have different expectations for ongoing training and professional development for teachers to maintain their credentials.

How are bar codes assigned?

If you understand that a barcode is a very short description of where something was made, who made it, what it is, what size it is, what colour it is then you would understand why barcodes are recognised in many different countries in the world.

What will happen to the different indicators when dipped with acids and with bases?

there will be a massive explosion

What is the term meaning pertaining to development?

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