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Necause the 2 indicators have different PHs level

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Q: Why do different indicators yield different mole ratios?
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Related questions

What do balanced equations describe?

Mole Ratios

How do mole ratios compare to volume ratios for gaseous reactants and products in a balanced chemical equation?

At constant temperature and pressure the ratios are equal.

What do we use mole ratios for?

To convert from one substance to another

What in chemical equations provide mole ratios that can be used as conversion factors?


The coefficients from a balanced equation are used to write conversion factors called?

mole ratios

What are three different ways to interpret the coefficient in a chemical equation?

representative particles,moles, and mass.

Is actual yield greater or less than the theoretical yield?

The percent yield is the ratio of the actual yield to the theoretical yield. A mole ratio is a conversion factor derived from the coefficient of a balanced chemical equation interpreted in terms of moles.

What is the theoretical yield if 50grams of copper are allowed to react with excess chlorine 101.6grams of copper chlorine are formed?

The product in that reaction is Copper Chloride; Copper has two ionic states, +2 and +3, so the possible products are Copper(II)Chloride and Copper(III)Chloride. The result would be different numbers of moles of product and different weights per mole Theoretical yield is how much product you would get if all of the limiting reagent (in this case Copper) reacted. Actual yield is in percent is (amount you actually got/theoretical yield)X100. Also, you have to convert grams to moles for each part of the reaction, since stoichiometric relationships are expressed as mole ratios. The first thing you have to do is write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction: Cu + Cl2 = CuCl2 OR 2Cu + 3Cl2 = 2CuCl3 Then you have to convert Reactants and Products from grams to moles: Moles=Weight you have/Molecular weight (or Atomic weight for elements)per Mole (The math is left as an exercise for the student) Next, use the Molar Ratios from the appropriate Balanced Equation to calculate how much you'd get for 100% yield and how much you actually got (also left for the student) in Moles . Lastly, plug the answers you calculated into the Yield equation. TA DAA, all the yield answers you want. P.S. It's not my policy to do all the work. You are the Student, and you won't learn anything if I do your homework for you. Most often, the actual answer is of minor importance, what's most important is the concept and set-up; you're learning how to think and solve problems.

What do the coefficients in a balanced chemical equation represent?

Represents the mole ratios between any two substance

What can balance chemical equation tell you?

a mole ratio of any two substances in the reaction

Do coefficient balanced equations give mass to mass relationships?

No they give mole ratios. A mole is much like a dozen, a dozen is 12 while a mole is 6.02*10^23. This means that 1 mole of a substance represents 6.02*10^23 molecules of that substance.

The percent yield of 1 mole NaHCO3 was used and 22 g carbon dioxide was isolated is?

50 mol%, because 22 g CO2 = 0.5 mole