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Q: What are inherited traits in a pit bull?
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What is a Nigerino pit bull?

The Nigerino pitbull is recognized all over the world for their solid pit bull traits and characteristics.

How big do Alaskan pitbulls get?

It does not matter where the pit bull are raised, most pit bulls grow according to the traits and Alaska will not make them different.

Are American pitbulls bigger than red nose pitbulls?

No, red nose pit bull are an American pit bull terriers with the red traits. No matter the color of the pit bull, the size varies from 40 to 75 pounds, anything larger than that comes from non-game bloodlines.

What is the difference between inherited traits and traits that are not inherited?

Traits are abilities that you can receive out of practice, or from an ancestor. Inherited traits are talents that you have naturally inherited by an ancestor.

What are some whale inherited traits?

Traits can not be inherited in reverse order. Traits can be inherited FROM the parents

Does Pit Bull have or had a pit bull?

No he doesn't

What breeds are in the pit bull category?

There is only one kind of pitbull breed no matter the strain, traits or bloodline.

What are gorilla inherited traits?

inherited traits of a gorilla

What are bison traits?

they either have an inherited traits or learned traits!!! they either have an inherited traits or learned traits!!!

What kind of dog is a pit bull?

A pit bull

How are some traits are inherited?

There are some traits that are inherited from the family. Some of the traits that are inherited are eyes,hair color and blood.

What is smarter a pit bull or a standard schnauzer?

pit bull