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In chapter 4 of "Lord of the Flies," Jack and his hunters chant, "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood." This ritualistic chant reflects their descent into savagery and their increasing detachment from civilization and morality. It signifies their growing bloodlust and primal instincts taking over.

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Q: What are jack and his hunters chanting in chapter 4 in lord of the flies?
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What chapter did Ralph escape the hunters while stabbing two boys?

Ralph escapes the hunters while stabbing two boys in Chapter 11 of the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

Who is with hunts with Jack chapter 4?

Jack hunts with the choir boys and makes them into his hunters.

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In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph characterizes Jack's hunters as primitive and barbaric, with an emphasis on their violent tendencies and detachment from civilization. He sees them as being consumed by their bloodlust and becoming more savage as they embrace their roles as hunters. Ralph is disturbed by their descent into savagery and the way they prioritize hunting over maintaining the signal fire and runway.

Who killed the pig in Lord of the Flies?

jack and his hunters

Who are the hunters in the lord of flies?

Jack and the choir boys.

What does Jack call his group in Lord of the Flies?

The Hunters.

What are jack and his hunters chanting?

Jack and his hunters chant "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!" as they become increasingly savage and bloodthirsty in their hunt for a wild pig on the island. This chant reflects their descent into savagery and their growing obsession with violence.

Who came up with the hunters dance in lord of the flies?

jack did

What does jack label his group in lord of the flies?

He calls them his "hunters"

Who is responsible for keeping the fire going lord of the flies?

The hunters were responsible for keeping the signal fire lit but, they in Chapter 4 they let it burn out which destroyed an early survival because a ship went past.

In lord of the flies who are the hunter?

The hunters are Jack Merridew and his followers, the choir kids. They hunt the pigs on the island, and are supposed to keep the fire going.

What happens to the fire in chapter 2 of Lord of the Flies?

The signal fire went out because Jack 'needed' the two of his hunters who should have been on fire duty to complete a ring of hunters in his pig huntRead more: Why_is_the_signal_fire_outI was looking for this forever lol.