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the keratinized tissue is found in the masticatory mucosa, which includes the hard palate,the gingiva, the dorsum of the tongue and the outer part of the lips.

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In the hair and nails

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It is located on the human skin:D

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Q: What are keratinized cells found in the body?
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Which part of the epithelial cells faces the body surface?

no bone cells provide protection and support

Which layer of skin is composed of dead keratinized cells?

The upper layer of skin i.e. Epidermis is composed of dead Keratinized epithelium cells.

Where are stratified squamous epithelial cells found?

Stratified squamous epithelium has many layers of flattened cells and function in protection. There are two types: non-keratinized: found in the lining of the mouth, the throat, the vagina, and the anus. The second type is keratinized and is found as the epidermis of the skin.

What is formed everywhere on the body except the palms of the hand's soles of the feet and lip's and primarily consists of dead keratinized cells?

The Hair

Where is non keratinised stratified epithelium found?

Yes, the inside of the mouth is lined with non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelial cells. As in most mucous membranes, that is the main tissue type. Parts of the gums, hard palate, and tongue are slightly keratinized, but not nearly as much as the skin outside the mouth is keratinized.

Which epidermal layer is the karatinized?

The stratum cornium has keratinized cells.

Where is keratinized located in the body?

During development, the embryo contains keratinized cells in a number of places. One unique spot is in the lining of the esophagus, which is normally not keratinized in adults. In adults, keratinized cells form the topmost layer of the skin (the stratum corneum of the epidermis).And the fingernails

Is the root of the nail from which keratinized cells grow.?

This is called the nail matrix.

Where are you likely to find keratinized?

The parts of the body that are keratinized are ones needing extra strength for protection. These would be structures such as skin, hair, nails, and if you are a four-legged animal you might have horns that are keratinized.

Why is the epidermis keratinized and not non-keratinized?

In this case, the most apical layers (exterior) of cells are dead and lose their nucleus and cytoplasm, instead contain a tough, resistant protein called keratin. This specialization makes the epithelium waterproof, so is found in the mammalian skin.

What is the medical term meaning Abnormal condition of proliferation of keratinized cells?


What is the composition of nails?

Nails are made up of layers/plates of keratinized epithelial cells.