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Q: What are less reactive harder metals?
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Are gold and platinum reactive metals?

Gold and platinum are less reactive metals but not absolutely non-reactive.

Are alkali metal and alkaline earht metals similar?

The alkali earth metals act in a similar but slightly less reactive way to alkali metals

Is gold a non reactive metal?

Gold is a less reactive metal but not non-reactive; all metals are reactive.

Is noble gases metals that are more reactive than the transition elements but less reactive than the alkali metals?

No, the noble gasses are nonmetals that are less reactive than all other elements.

What are denser harder have higher melting points and are slightly less active than alkali metals in the same period?

Alkali metals are very chemically reactive, are not dense or hard metals and have low melting points.

Metals that are less reactive than alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals are?

Almost all the rest of the metals.

Metals that are less reactive than alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals are called?

I believe that the answer you are looking for is Transition Metals.

What is the group of element that are less reactive?

alkaline earth metals

How are the very reactive metals high up in the reactivity series extracted from their ores?

reactive metals can often be extracted by electrolysis where there ore is disolved into a solvent and an electric current is passed through.

Do nonmetals become more reactive when moving top to bottom?

No, non metals do not become reactive from top to bottom.They become less reactive.

Would a metal in group 13 be more or less reactive than a metal in a group 1?

The metals in group 13 would be less reactive than the metals in group 1 because the metals in group 1 are closest to the left of the Periodic Table. And any thing to the left are more reactive.

When were most reactive metals discovered?

Much more recently than the less reactive. The more reactive metals are not found free in anture but are all in chemical compounds, anf they are more difficult to extract.