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Graphs are a powerful tool that gives you a snapshot view of the behavior of the whole field of data you examined. You may immediately see where the majority of the data points seem to gather, and you will also clearly identify the 'outliers', - the points that seem inconsistent with the overall pattern.

Use of graphs is not confined to science, many business studies are simplified by use of a graph.

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Q: What are line graphs powerful tools in science?
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Why are line graphs powerful tools in science?

In my experience line graphs are powerful in science because of the relationship they show between two variables (showing how one variable changes as the other changes). But, more importantly in my view they allow the derivation of fomulas. For example, the formula v=u+at can be derived (notice the similarity to the equation of a line, y=mx+c) by drawing a graph showing speed against time.

Why are line graphs a powerful tool in science?

Line graphs show a change over time and if you're doing an experiment over a certain number of days or any length of time, line graphs can be used to track your progress and the change of the experiment.

What graph allows yo to estimate values for conditions you did not test in the experiment?

Line graphs are powerful tools because they help you to estimate values for conditions that you did not test in the experiment. mostly estimated related values are related with line graphs

The 3 types of graphs used in science?

The three kinds of graph is bar graph, line graph, and pie graph. bar graph is used to compare two or more things. A line graph is used to show changes over time. A pie graph is used to show proportions.

Kinds of graphs for science?

Some common types of graphs used in science include line graphs to show trends over time, bar graphs to compare different categories, scatter plots to display relationships between variables, and pie charts to represent parts of a whole. Choosing the appropriate graph depends on the data being presented and the message that needs to be conveyed.

What are three types of graphs that are commonly used?

There are three fundamental types of graphs used in science. These are the bar graph, line graph and the pie graph.

Do graphs represent equations?

Bar graphs and line graphs do not. Straight line, parabolic, and hyperbolic graphs are graphs of an equation.

What are three types of graphs that scientist commonly used?

There are three fundamental types of graphs used in science. These are the bar graph, line graph and the pie graph.

How are bar graphs and line graphs and circle graphs different?

circle graphs add up to 100% , bar and line graphs don't

What are the three different types of graphs?


Why does data presented in a line graphs?

line graphs are usually the most best way to present data. sometimes i use pie graphs or bar graphs, but usually line graphs are the most meaningful.

What are several types of graphs?

Line graphs and Bar graphs