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Bacterium is an example.

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Q: What are living thing that is too small to see without a microscope?
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magnify glass
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What is a living thing that is too small see without a microscope.?

Bacterium is an example.

A living thing that is so small it can only be seen with a microscope?

a dust mite

Is every living thing have a multicellular organism?

No. While pretty much any living thing you can see without a microscope is multicellular, most living things are actually unicellular.

What do you call an instrument that makes small thing look large?


What is a living thing that is so small it can only be seen with a microscope?

A microorganism (microscopic organism)An example is planktonAn atom is 4 x 104 or 40,000 x too small to be seen.

Viruses and bacteria are which type of living thing?

Bacteria and viruses are small and can only be seen through a microscope. The small living things are microorganisms or microbes. Some people do not think viruses are living things because they are acellular particles. They consider them to be an organic structure that interacts with living organisms.

What are the names living thing seen under microscope?


What are the names Living thing that can only be seen by microscope?

They are called micro organism

How could you use a microscope to help determine whether the specimen is living or non-living thing?

wouldn't it be moving?

How you could use a microscope determine whether the specimen is a living or non-living thing?

You can tell because it will show characteristics of a living or nonliving object.

Is the microscope you will be using a simple or compound microscope?

help you see living thing movecw: I don't think I've ever seen a simple microscope -- maybe a magnifying glass? Compound!

What do you call an instrument makes small thing look large?

Microscope. Or a magnifying glass