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Plants use photosynthesis to make food from sunlight.

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It's called a Producer.

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They are called autotrophs or producers

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Q: What are living things that can make their own food called?
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What is it called when living things cannot make their own food?

When living things cannot make their own dinner, it is called, "Going out to eat!", or , "Making reservations!"

Living things that make its own food?

Living things capable of processing their own food are called Autotrophs. They are living things which contain chlorophyll. So, plants are the only autotrophs.

Do many living things get food from other living things?

Green plants make food from sunlight. All animals get their food by eating plants (living things) or animals (also living things)

What are plants that make their own food called?

Plants that make their own food are called autotrophs, producers or primary producers.

What are living things that can make their own food?


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Living things that can directly convert energy from the sun or use environmental chemicals to make food energy are called?


What Living things that can directly convert energy from the sun or use environmental chemicals to make food energy?

they are called autotrophs

What are basic units that make up living things?

The basic units that make up living things are called cells.

Why do all living living things depend on green plants for food?

All living things depend on green plants for food because they are producers. They are the only organisms that are able to make their own food.

What do you call the living things that can make their own food?


Living things that uses sunlight to make food?
