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Feeling light-headed and jittery can be related to low blood sugar levels. It would be best to visit your doctor to have some blood work done to confirm a suspicions of low blood sugar.

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Q: What are low blood sugar symptoms?
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What are common symptoms for low blood sugar?

The most common symptoms of low blood sugar are dizziness, shakiness, sweating, hunger and anxiety. The medical term for low blood sugar is hypoglycemia.

Where can I find the symptoms of low blood sugar?

If you want to know what the symptoms are for low blood sugar, go onto E Medicine Health's or NetDoctor website and it will tell you what you need to know.

What are the most common low blood pressure symptoms?

The most common low blood pressure symptoms is low sugar levels. Weight loss, headaches, dizziness and there are other symptoms that causes low blood pressure level.

What are some common symptoms of low blood sugar?

There are numerous symptoms for low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. Keep an eye out for: shaking, anxiety, nervousness, hunger, nausea, headaches, negativism, confusion, fatigue, difficulty speaking or blurred vision, among many other symptoms.

What are the symptoms of having low blood sugar?

Having low blood sugar is called hypoglycemia. Symptoms include constant hunger, shaky feelings, headaches, mood swings, confusion, and a abnormal skin color. It is possible that you have low blood sugar if you experience one or more of these constantly.

Why is that you some time feel real weak and your blood sugar is low but when you get tested for blood sugar problem they find nothing?

Blood sugar fluctuates. How do you know it is low if you are not tested when you are experiencing the symptoms?

How can a low blood sugar level affect you?

Low blood sugar is also known as Hypoglycemia. Having low blood sugar can result in the symptoms of perspiration, rapid heart beat, anxiety and shakiness and is the nervous system response to having low levels of circulating blood sugar.

Does your head hurt when blood sugar is high?

It really depends on the person. Headaches are often listed among symptoms of high blood sugar AND low blood sugar. Personally, I only get headaches with low blood sugar, but I know people who do experience headaches with high blood sugar.

What are some symptoms of low blood sugar?

Symptoms of low blood sugar include confusion, double vision, blurred vision, seizures, fainting, dizziness, shakiness, sweating, heart palpitations, anxiety and increased hunger.

How can I find out if I have low blood sugar?

You can check your blood sugar level - by the glucometer or laboratory to make sure that the symptoms are hypoglycemia. Low levels of glucose in the blood can cause serious complications and even coma.

The Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar?

Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, occurs when the glucose level in your blood drops too low to supply your body with proper energy. There are numerous symptoms that indicate low blood sugar. The most common include sweating, anxiety, nausea, extreme hunger, and heart palpitations. When the brain does not get enough glucose, its function can become impaired. This set of symptoms includes confusion, headaches, and blurry vision. In rare cases, low blood sugar can cause a person to lose consciousness and trigger seizures. These symptoms can lead to coma and death, so contact emergency services immediately if they occur.

What are the symptoms and signs of blood sugar chart.?

Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, can have symptoms ranging from confusion, dizziness, hunger, headaches, pounding heart, sweating, trembling, weakness, and anxiety.