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Anything in your body will either be absorbed through the skin, ingested, inhaled, or are products of metabolism.

Many so called toxins are "natural". And, your body has developed methods to get rid of harmful chemicals and contaminants.
For example your lungs have a system of macrophages, cilia, and mucus to help keep them clean.
Your kidneys filter out water soluble chemicals which are excreted in urine.
Your liver aids with the metabolism of other molecules.

I wouldn't consider the body as being full of toxins, and food products have been tested for safety. However, everything in good measure. A little amount of drugs can be used for medication. Too much of them can be lethal. Lead or Mercury are natural elements that humans have happened to concentrate. A little is "ok". Excess is toxic. Some chemicals are relatively safe on their own, but have toxic metabolites. For example Methanol is mildly intoxicating, but on its own would be little different than ethanol. The problem is that it is metabolized in the liver to formaldehyde and formic acid which is deadly.

Of course, the other issue is then intentionally filling the body with known harmful toxins. For example smoking or chewing tobacco which people know damage cilia, and cause irreparable damage to the lungs and throat. And, can cause cancer. Yet, people continue to produce tobacco, sell it, and people buy and smoke it.

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Q: What are many of the harmful chemicals in your body created by?
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What substances provide the body with necessary chemicals in addition to water?

Many of the chemicals your body needs will most likely come from something that is ingested. Most commonly, food. Foods can provide Sodium, Fatty acids, Proteins, the vast majority of vitamins. Though sunlight does play a role in the body's production of vitamin "D".

How does bacteria benefit humans?

Bacteria are important in the formation of certain foods. They are also used in mining and bioremediation (using bacteria to clean up the environment). In addition, bacteria that colonize different places in your body out compete other bacteria that may be harmful.

What of the following people use chemicals?

Chemicals are used in many places and in many different ways, including in factories, shops, laboratories, offices, farms and in the home and garden. The chemicals you use at work may include products you buy to use in your core business, or in maintaining your equipment, or in general cleaning. The term chemical could also include hazardous substances you create as part of your work processes e.g. dust created by cutting wood or stone. Many people use chemicals - a user could be: a farmer a hairdresser a cleaner a worker in a chemical plant a technician in a laboratory a pest control operator or you in your home or garden

What are the harmful effects of industrialization on the atmosphere and the measures being used to combat them?

There are many harmful effects.pollution2.loss of job opporchunities for unskilled labourers

Can you make meth out of raid and electricity?

Many chemicals are needed. Electricity and raid are typically neither.

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How many harmful chemicals are harming the ozone layer?

There are many chemicals. CFC are one them.

How are chemicals harmful?

Many chemicals can be explosive, corrosive, flammable, toxic for humans, animals and environment, radioactive, etc.

What does cleanliness of the body mean?

Cleanliness of the body means that your body is internally free from harmful materials. Often our body builds up harmful chemicals that can be rid of through special detoxing medicines. These can be very damaging if there is too many of them. If not that it means cleanliness of the outside of your body, such as showering daily, combing your hair, cutting your finger and toe nails.

Are chemicals harmful or beneficial to humans?

The human body is 100% chemicals. The food we eat is 100% chemicals. What we drink, be it water or Scotch whisky, is 100% chemicals. The drugs we take, illegal or prescribed, are 100% chemicals. The air we breathe is 100% chemicals. The Earth we live on is 100% chemicals. The TV you watch is 100% chemicals. The sofa you sit on is 100% chemicals. Without chemicals the Earth or any life form would not exist.

Why would nuclear weapons kill you?

because it has many harmful chemicals in it which harm the health of a person

Should you drink out of a beaker why or why not?

Drinking out of a beaker is not ideal because beakers are typically made of glass or plastic, which may not be safe for consuming beverages. Additionally, beakers are not designed for drinking, so they may not have the appropriate shape or size for comfortable consumption. It's best to use proper drinkware like cups or glasses for drinking.

How many chemicals are in the cigrate?

In one cigarette there is exactly 4,000 harmful chemicals. All Chemicals affect on our Respiratory system which means Throat, Lungs and Heart. Either It will affect on your brain.

Which are harmful?

There are many harmful chemicals(chemials) that one could get in touch with. One such chemical would be bleach. Many people use bleach for cleaning but the fumes are toxic when inhaled.

Is it a good thing to detox your body?

All the wealth in the world is useless if you're unhealthy. You can't enjoy your life if your body is weak and unable to function properly. You can miss all the wonderful things offered by our world today. Too exaggerated? Well, not likely. As much as you want to enjoy your life to the fullest, your body is constantly bombarded with harmful chemicals. Where do these chemicals come from you might ask. If you don't know it yet, your body is loaded with harmful chemicals that came from the food you ate, the beverages that you've drank, the things you use to put up with your daily hygiene, the fumes from cars and cigarettes, and many more. Every day you are exposed to these harmful chemicals found all around you. Although the body has a natural way of healing itself, and freeing itself from these harmful chemicals, sometimes it can't handle the process alone. Most especially if the body already has acid build ups. If you lived an unhealthy lifestyle for many years now, you can expect that you have developed acid build ups, whether you like it or not. It's high time that you detoxify your body, and the time to act is now. Don't postpone it for later, otherwise you'll find yourself experiencing many symptoms of diseases and other illnesses!

Which chemials are harmful?

There are many harmful chemicals(chemials) that one could get in touch with. One such chemical would be bleach. Many people use bleach for cleaning but the fumes are toxic when inhaled.

A chemical the body needs to work properly?

One example of a chemical the body needs to work properly is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the primary energy carrier in cells and is essential for various cellular processes, including muscle contraction, nerve signaling, and metabolism. Without sufficient ATP, cells would not be able to function optimally.

Are there any harmful chemicals?

yes chemicals can hurt us but only some which are highly injurious such as acids. to prevent us from getting hurt we should wear the proper clothing which should be used in a laboratory.and moreover many problem occurs due to inhaling of toxic gases thus its better to wear a mask in a laboratory.